Adobe Lightroom baggrundsvaghed
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Adobe Lightroom
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Adobe Lightroom Anmeldelser og produktdetaljer

Adobe Lightroom Oversigt
Hvad er Adobe Lightroom?

Adobe Lighting er designet specielt til fotoredigering og er et af de mest populære værktøjer på markedet, der bruges af professionelle fotografer. I lighed med Photoshop betragtes det som en guldstandard inden for redigering, med et væld af forudindstillinger til rådighed for at hjælpe med at transformere billeder på få minutter. Platformen er ligetil og nem at bruge og gør det meget nemt at redigere billeder ved hjælp af skydere, gradient- og penseljusteringsværktøjer. Platformen kan tilpasses og kommer med adskillige intelligensfunktioner, såsom ansigtsgenkendelse, der hjælper med at organisere billeder nemt.

Om os Adobe
År grundlagt 1982
Firma størrelse 10,001 + medarbejdere
Hovedkontor San Jose, CA
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Stil spørgsmål vedr Adobe Lightroom
Hvad Adobe Lightroom er bedst til?
Hvordan Adobe Lightroom sammenligne med Adobe Photoshop Elementer?
Hvad er fordele og ulemper ved Adobe Lightroom?
Adobe Lightroom Produktdetaljer
Lille virksomhed
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-baseret, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone
Support 24/7 (liverepræsentant), chat, e-mail/helpdesk, ofte stillede spørgsmål/forum, vidensbase, telefonisk support
Kurser Dokumentation
Other languages Engelsk
Adobe Lightroom Fordele og ulemper
  • Praktisk, brugervenligt og brugervenligt miljø
  • Værktøjer til sløring og fiksering
  • Forudindstillinger og filtre tilgængelige
  • Kamera- og objektivbaserede korrektioner
  • Børste og gradientjusteringer
  • Færre muligheder end Photoshop
  • Ingen lag og blandingstilstande
Adobe Lightroom Funktionalitet
Automatiske justeringer
Fjernelse af baggrund
Brugerdefinerede børster
Face Recognition
Filtre og effekter
Gradient editor
HDR billedbehandling
Helbredende værktøjer
Ændring af billede
Layer Management
Metadata redigering
Perspektiv korrektion
Fjernelse af røde øjne
Understøttelse af RAW-filer
Undo / Redo
Vektor Drawing
Adobe Lightroom Medier
Adobe Lightroom 0
Adobe Lightroom 1
Adobe Lightroom 2
Adobe Lightroom 3
Adobe Lightroom 4
Adobe Lightroom Screenshots
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Seneste opdatering: Januar 23, 2025
Adobe Lightroom Logo
1,798 Adobe Lightroom Anmeldelser
4.5 ud af 5
Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
December 04, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Så let at bruge"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

Lightroom makes it simple and easy to edit professionally and share your photos.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

On the expensive side and you need a powerful computer to handle performance

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

One-stop shop, pretty easy to learn and had a full range of options to choose from

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
November 20, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Meget brugervenlig"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

I love how easy to use Lightroom is. As a beginner, it has been very easy for me to learn how to use each setting correctly to achieve the edit I am looking for. There are so many helpful tools including the Adobe tutorials which help teach users the basics of the program. I have gone through and completed several of these and I can credit much of my knowledge to those tutorials!

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

This product seems to crash a lot when I am using it. It sometimes gets very laggy and takes 5 minutes to complete one edit.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

This makes my pictures look so much better than any other editing app I have used in the past. Even the "Auto" feature is much better than the rest and if you weren't all that experienced just clicking that button would help your pictures tremendously.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
November 09, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Elsker at redigere billede til sociale medier"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

The best thing about light room is that you are able to download the app and use it to edit pictures from social media! it is so easy to use, and you can create your own presets. You can even purchase presents online and add on your library and use for all of your pictures.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

The only thing that I dislike the most is that you need practice with it. I personally has no idea how to use it, but once someone showed me it was super easy. Wish there was an instruction step by step on the app.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

The only problem that I would like to see resolve is to app step by step instructions once you first use it so you are able to get the most out of it.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
November 04, 2019
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Bekræftet anmelder
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

creative adjustment tools. I love the variations on their profiles. they have so many different types of filters. On favorable aspect is that you can save the filters with the modifications respectably. Non-destructive editing. This feature protects your original files.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

when the app is recently downloaded its difficult to understand it. the cost of the subscription. To install Lightroom, you need a fairly recent OS, as it only runs on Windows 7 SP1 through Windows 10, or on macOS 10.12 through 10.14. The Windows version now only runs on 64-bit operating systems, so to get up to date is kinda tedious.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

bad exposure in pictures. when having a profile of your preference its easy to edit pictures.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
November 04, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"meget nemt at redigere billeder på farten"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

Its intuitive user interface, its fast pace selection of filters and features for each menu option make the app the best

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

Only downside is at times you may find it hard to find features because there are just so many things to choose from

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Its made fixing up images and editing financial brochures a lot simpler and faster

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oktober 31, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Positivt og nemt"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

There are a lot of presets baked in that make it easy to put in filters and edit the photos if you don't know a lot yourself.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

The home page is confusing and when the develop goes away it's hard to find or navigate.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Photos that are too dark or not white balanced can be solved. It makes my photos look more professional.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Oktober 23, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Fantastisk ikke-destruktiv redigering af dit originale billede"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

The best is the ready made filters provided by other users and adobe, the access to those filters allow you to be innovative with help from the community.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

Although this is an easy software to use its has issue with the range of photo editing and advance manipulation in comparison to other software like Adobe Photoshop CC

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

The Benefits to using Lightroom is its powerful raw processor allowing me to edit heavy professional photos with no issues.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Oktober 14, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Lightroom Anmeldelse"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

The efficacy of the tools available helps enhance photographs

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

The software may not be accessibility friendly for newer users

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Enhancing photographs for marketing and social media purposes

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Oktober 07, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Lightroom gør det nemt at skabe smukt indhold"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

Lightroom is extremely user-friendly and easily accessed on my phone. I enjoy all of the in-app capabilities and like that it's simple to navigate

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

I wish there were better presets for filters and you could more easily crop pictures (I think the crop tool is a little difficult to use)

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I have used Lightroom to create content for my business, which has made social media a breeze. The content is more engaging after using Lightroom to edit

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Oktober 04, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Adobes signatur billedredigeringssoftware til fotografering"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

Lightroom allows you to change the overall mood and character of a photograph through color, lighting, and be able to save them as filters for later use.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

The sensitivity of sliding indicators and color wheels/walls that allow you to adjust color, lighting, etc. are too high for sensitive use with a mouse or touch.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Adjusting the lighting for low exposure photos to match portrait skin tone is an added benefit to the features already

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oktober 01, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Nyttig og alsidig!"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

The interface is clean and simple, and the product provides a wide range of solutions, such as photo touch up.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

There are a few photo editing tools that Photoshop has that would be very beneficial in Lightroom, but are not there,

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Correcting photos wherein the subject might have imperfections.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
August 29, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"Fantastisk mobilversion"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

I love that you can use the software on your phone and use the same adobe account

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

I like everything about Lightroom, except that you its hard to layer on the mobile version

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Editing photos for blog posts

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
August 23, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Bedst til billedfarvekorrektion"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

The easyness and the workflow in Lightroom is very nice. You have many possibilities in grading the picture the way you want it.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

The catalogue system is, at the first times you use it, not easy to understand.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Color Correction and Grading of every photo in combination with Photoshop.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
August 09, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Bedste fotoredigeringsprodukt derude"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

The capabilities to edit a photograph from its raw form to a completely different image. Lightroom really can bring pictures to life.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

Some of it's features are just a learn by trial and error. It definitely has a learning curve and takes awhile to understand.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Bringing lifeless photos to life in a short matter of time.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Juli 16, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Lightroom for god redigering"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

In general I adore the adobe creative cloud and the multiple apps within it, so of course i enjoy lightroom also. I love the multiple things you can do and there's always more to learn so even if you're starting out simple, you can do what you need to do.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

It can be overwhelming when there are so many things to do, you think you have it down pretty well but then there is always more being added.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Lightroom makes editing easier and simple in a way, and even at a beginner level- that's enough of skill to get a good job done.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juli 05, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Simpel og hurtig billedredigeringssoftware"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

What I find most helpful about lightroom is the side bar where all of the tools are set.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

I dislike the organization of lightroom. I also don't really like how it's split into sections for the library.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Benefits I have realized is that it cuts my editing time down tremendously.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juni 23, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Jeg anmelder kun for stor erfaring med lightroom"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

It is very helpful for colour correction in your photos and give very good colours and make your photos best

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

Sometime it is more expensive than aparture and it doesn't retouch face more good

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I retouch my photos in one click with lightroom

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juni 20, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Photoshop Lightroom Anmeldelse"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

- best software I've seen for RAW files - very simple to use and intuitive (easier to use than Photoshop) - built in cataloging and organization with galleries - adjustment brush, gradient, and radial adjustments which allow you to adjust multiple effects on one mask

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

- editing features more limited than Photoshop - no blending or layering

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

- software to easily edit photos and not as complex as Photoshop - organize photos easily into galleries and collections

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Juni 14, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Godt organiseret, let at bruge og redigere"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

I love that you can create presets for photos and use them to create a uniform look for your photo style! I also love that it has the desktop version BUT that you can also use the mobile version for quick, on the go editing

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

Learning to use the desktop program was more difficult before the update (but I’m also not naturally computer savvy)

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

My work used to be inconsistent and I couldn’t find a “look” that I was happy with in other photo editing apps or softwares. Using Lightroom has allowed me to create a cohesive look that keeps my photos uniform and delivers a product that is fully “me” to clients and for myself!

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Juni 12, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Lightroom?

Lightroom is very easy to learn even for new users. There are presets available if you are lazy to edit or you can also do the adjustments for yourself. You can import presets from other users and use it as your own.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Lightroom?

I wish they have an option to change into a lighter interface too.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Lightroom løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

You can edit the photos on your own without hiring a professional editor, you just have to play around it at first and it is easy to use. It has auto function where it will apply the corrections to make your photo more appealing.

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