Adobe Photoshop Elements baggrundssløring
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Adobe Photoshop Elements
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Adobe Photoshop Elements anmeldelser og produktdetaljer

Adobe Photoshop Oversigt over elementer
Hvad er Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Adobe Photoshop Elements er en cloud-baseret grafisk designsoftware designet til at hjælpe virksomheder med at skabe og redigere billeder via en centraliseret platform. Det tilbyder indbyggede redigeringsværktøjer med forskellige billedeffekter, farvede filtre og mønstre eller symboler for let design. Det understøtter også integration med flere tredjepartsapplikationer og interne Adobe-værktøjer. 

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År grundlagt 1982
Firma størrelse 10,001 + medarbejdere
Hovedkontor San Jose, CA
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Hvordan Adobe Photoshop Elementer sammenlignes med Skylum Luminar Neo?
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Adobe Photoshop Elements Produktdetaljer
Lille virksomhed
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-baseret, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows
Support 24/7 (liverepræsentant), chat, e-mail/helpdesk, ofte stillede spørgsmål/forum, vidensbase, telefonisk support
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Other languages Engelsk
Adobe Photoshop Elements funktioner
Automatiske justeringer
Fjernelse af baggrund
Brugerdefinerede børster
Face Recognition
Filtre og effekter
Gradient editor
HDR billedbehandling
Helbredende værktøjer
Ændring af billede
Layer Management
Metadata redigering
Perspektiv korrektion
Fjernelse af røde øjne
Understøttelse af RAW-filer
Undo / Redo
Vektor Drawing
Adobe Photoshop Elementer medier
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Adobe Photoshop Elements skærmbilleder
Vores forskning er kurateret fra forskellige autoritative kilder og beregnet til at give generel rådgivning. Vi garanterer ikke, at vores forslag vil fungere bedst for hver brugssituation, så overvej dine unikke behov, når du vælger produkter og tjenester. Del gerne din tilbagemeldinger.
Seneste opdatering: Januar 12, 2025
Adobe Photoshop Elements logo
749 Adobe Photoshop Elements Anmeldelser
4.3 ud af 5
Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 26, 2017
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"PSE - begynderne PhotoShop"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Photoshop Elements is user friendly because it picks layers for you, most of the time guessing which one you want. Where in full photoshop, you need to select the layer. Being able to install and use actions is very helpful.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

There are some commands that are not available in Elements since it is a stripped down version, the one I miss most is the ability to record actions.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

photo editing. from fixing images that have flaws to combining images to create montages or creating fine art images.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juli 29, 2016
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"God til mobile selfies"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

I like the streamlined photo editing tools. This app is good for editing photos on your phone for Instagram or Facebook purposes only

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

a lot of Photoshop's commands and abilities are taken away for Photoshop elements app. It is not good for real photographs/photographers.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Quick, easy simple edits.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Maj 18, 2016
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"Nogle gange er OK ikke nok"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

UI and UX flows well. It is good for basic work

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

This is a very watered down version of photoshop. Do not use if you are planning to do advanced works / design.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

The cheaper price seems nice but it will end up burning a hole in your pocket when you have to buy the full program.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
April 11, 2016
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"En god software til brug i fotoretouchering"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

I like photoshop elements because it has many tools of his older brother photoshop, and its use is a little more simple, can accomplish great things with this software

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Photoshop elements Maybe missing some photoshop plugins to make it easier to work with, it needs to improve the work with actions

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I have worked in university projects and does not have much to envy photoshop, it is versatile and relatively easy to use

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Jan 27, 2022
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"Photoshop Elements er fantastisk til begyndere inden for redigering af fotografering"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Photoshop Elements is a great tool for beginners that are wanting to get started in editing photography. Whether it's work related photography, personal photos, or professional photos, anyone can use Photoshop Elements with ease.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

I don't really have any dislikes of using Photoshop Elements - it's always been a great program I use when I need to edit a photo. If someone doesn't know anything at all about photo editing, it might be a difficult program to just jump right into. However, there is a guided option if needed which is super helpful if you are confused.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Photoshop Elements has allowed me to make major and/or minor modifications to my photography at my job. Whether it's brightening up a photo, or removing an entire person that's an eye sore that takes away from the subject, Photoshop Elements has always been my go-to for photography post-processes.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Oktober 22, 2019
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"Erfaring påkrævet"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

The different software programs available in Photoshop Elements is comparable to none - they are in a league of their own! The integration and tools are the best in the business.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

The integration and tools require a lot of experience to use efficiently and can be easily misused.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Marketing creative for a million-dollar department in a University setting. The benefits have been great and have allowed our team to take minor creative projects to the next level without needing to bring in an out-of-house creative team.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
August 13, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"Begrænsede funktioner, bedre muligheder andre steder"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Photoshop elements has literally just the basic elements of Photoshop but for an advanced user I can only say that the best thing I like is that I don't need to hold shift when I want to scale and object without skewing the size/changing the original ratio.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

I dislike the fact that it's really limited compared to the Photoshop CS series and CC. However, it's Photoshop elements, not CS or CC so I can't really complain since it's the cheaper option compared to the other two.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Sometimes I need to adjust images with transparency or convert images to a different format which basic programs such as Paint doesn't offer. It's the only benefit compared to other free programs.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juli 22, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"Fantastisk app til enkle redigeringer på din telefon, men ikke meget andet"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

If I'm on the go and don't have the ability to edit a photo on my laptop, this app allows me to make some great basic edits to publish to social media quickly.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Photoshop is meant to be used on a laptop, which means that it has a lot of tools to condense onto a phone. It's hard using your fingers to make changes and it's doesn't have a lot of capabilities that the full photoshop does.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It's a great app on-the-go and would be a great app for social media influencers who don't have as much experience in photoshop or who often don't travel with laptops or need to publish content quickly.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juni 17, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"Min erfaring er ret begynderniveau med denne software. Men til det, jeg har brug for, er det nemt nok for os"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

I like that due to the commonality of this software, our campus offers classes to improve how one works on the software, and we can improve our knowledge of it.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Anything beyond the basic necessities it difficult to grasp without a lot of work/research.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

We are able to stand our from competitors who only use basic photo editing, or barely any editing software.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Jan 29, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"photoshop elementer"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

interface, editing software ease of use

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

quite basic use filters interface

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

use for photo editing

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Jan 18, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"Photoshop Elements"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Haven't used it much, but a few times to stitch together some images. Worked out, but not reliably

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Not reliable. Does not work consistently.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Image editing

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Jan 15, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"God til begyndere"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

This is a program that provides step by step walkthroughs of the features, which is a great opportunity for people who are unfamiliar with Adobe products or the functionality of the regular version of Photoshop. It still has a good number of the features that Photoshop has, but is quite a bit more streamlined and is really easy for beginner's to jump right into.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

For me, this program wasn't useful and didn't fulfill all of my needs. That said, I am already proficient with Photoshop CC, so stepping back to this program that has fewer features doesn't make a lot of sense anyways. If you are looking for something simple that has the basic editing tools- this is probably perfect!

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

This would be a great program to start off with for beginner's. In a company setting, this would be great to implement as a feature for new employees who are unfamiliar with Photoshop or Adobe products. If you don't need the more powerful or nuanced tools that come with the regular version of Photoshop, I would definitely recommend this! I could also see this as a great product for school's or beginner photography classes, as a stepping stone to ultimately learning Photoshop.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
December 20, 2018
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"Photoshop Elements anmeldelse"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

It would raster out amazing images, and more basic than the general photoshop app. I see this doing well for photographers that don't need all of the design tools that come along with photoshop but just need to simply edit their photos. Takes out a lot of the time needed to learn all of the more complicated elements and gives you a more simplified version of the product.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Not great for print production, could not export in CMKY and wasn't, in general, the best for my work environment. Could see it doing very well for photographers who are just looking for a simple way to edit their photos without learning all about photoshop.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I think that this would be great for people who are photographers/photo editors or just people that are looking into dipping their feet into learning what Photoshop is all about. I was using it to see if it'd help solve my design problems, however I was finding that it didn't have the export tools that I needed and it didn't have as many design tools as I needed, either. But it truly is a basic version of Photoshop which could either be great or not so great depending on what you are needing from the software.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Jan 09, 2018
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"Lille omkostninger, men svært at navigere"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

This was a great affordable alternative to Photoshop for our small nonprofit

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

As a longtime photoshop user, this was a really difficult program to adjust to. I had trouble finding tools I used often in photoshop, and on average it probably took me double the amount of time doing a similar project on Photoshop.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Low-cost alternative to photoshop for small nonprofit business

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Jan 07, 2018
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"Godt, men der er bedre muligheder"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

The filters are pretty interesting, but nothing new.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

The price is just outrageous for what the software is.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

None nowadays. If you need to do something quick, it's a good option.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
November 08, 2017
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Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Loads quickly and easy to navigate. Part of the Adobe suite which is nice.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Very slow to load, and some features are buggy.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?


Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
April 06, 2016
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"Jeg modtog en trail-version med et Wacom-produkt og brugt på min personlige pc."
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Simple interface. Those already familiar with Adobe products will be able to use this program with ease. If this program is meant for amateur photographers, they have done a decent job of providing basic versions of the tools they will need.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

I had already had exposure to the full version of Photoshop from my school computers. I began to realize just how much the elements version lacked. It is an OK tool for editing photos, but not a great tool for creating digital sketches. I think elements could use a few more sketching tools.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I have used this tool as a student and a young professional. A digital workflow is the only way to manipulate images now. It makes collaborating and sending images back and forth much easier than having to scan and email.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Juni 07, 2019
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"Ikke prisen værd"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

It is very simplistic. Unfortunately, too simplistic.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

The user interface is not as intuitive as it should be. Things are a lot harder in Elements to do than in Adobe Photoshop because the controls don't work as well.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It can perform simple photo-editing, albeit among the same level of quality as many other free photo-editing software.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
December 26, 2017
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Photoshop for begyndere"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

If you’re just learning photoshop, it’s great. Easy for beginners to learn the basics of photo editing.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Photoshop elements is so overly simplistic that it is almost harder to use than regular photoshop.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It’s a great stepping stone and training tool for beginners

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Maj 20, 2020
Samlet bedømmelse:
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"Ikke nødvendigt for de fleste brugere, hvis du har Lightroom."
Hvad kan du bedst lide Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Elements incorporates most of the power of the full version of Photoshop. I also like that it can still be purchased as a perpetual license rather than Saas. I'm sure that is coming from Adobe though.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Adobe Photoshop Elementer?

Permanent editing changes to the files rather than the non-destructive editing found in products like Lightroom.

Hvad problemer er Adobe Photoshop Elementløsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Not many. Only when images need heavy editing do I use Photoshop.

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