ClickUp er mere end blot et opgavestyringsværktøj, en 360-graders produktivitetspakke, der tilbyder funktionaliteter, der udvides og skaleres sammen med en virksomheds skiftende behov. Med mere end 15 visninger og over 35 apps giver det teams af alle størrelser fra forskellige discipliner mulighed for at sætte strategiske projektmål, administrere arbejdsgange, samarbejde, gentage og optimere og spore fremskridt. Der er unikke funktioner for hvert team, såsom fejlsporing og rapportering (teknik), salgsautomatisering (salg og marketing) og medarbejderonboarding (HR) for blot at nævne nogle få. ClickUp kommer forudindlæst med skabeloner, der kan bruges ud af boksen, mens de tilbyder omfattende tilpasningsmuligheder.
Capabilities |
Segment |
Deployment | Cloud / SaaS / Web-baseret, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone |
Support | 24/7 (liverepræsentant), chat, e-mail/helpdesk, ofte stillede spørgsmål/forum, vidensbase, telefonisk support |
Kurser | Dokumentation |
Sprog | Engelsk |
Inden for projektstyringsværktøjer, Klik på Op er opstået som en samlet løsning, der henvender sig til en bred vifte af brugere. Fra freelancere, der styrer deres egne opgaver, til store virksomheder, der koordinerer komplekse projekter, sigter ClickUp på at forenkle og strømline processen. Men holder den sit løfte? I denne anmeldelse vil vi se nærmere på ClickUp og dissekere dets funktioner, brugergrænseflade, support og prisstruktur. Vores mål er at give en objektiv og grundig undersøgelse af denne software, der hjælper dig med at beslutte, om den passer til dine behov. Så lad os uden videre dykke ned i ClickUps verden.
ClickUp er en cloud-baseret produktivitetsplatform, der har til formål at centralisere alt dit arbejde og opgaver ét sted. Det er et omfattende projektstyringsværktøj designet til at hjælpe enkeltpersoner og teams med at planlægge, organisere og samarbejde om projekter.
Softwaren tilbyder en bred vifte af funktioner, herunder opgavestyring, tidsregistrering, målsætning, dokumentdeling og mere. Det giver også flere visninger til projektsporing, såsom listevisning, tavlevisning og Gantt-diagramvisning, hvilket giver brugerne mulighed for at tilpasse deres arbejdsområde efter deres præferencer.
ClickUps målbrugere spænder fra freelancere og små virksomheder til store virksomheder. Den er designet til at være fleksibel og tilpasningsdygtig og henvender sig til forskellige brancher og projekttyper. Uanset om du administrerer en marketingkampagne, udvikler software eller planlægger en begivenhed, sigter ClickUp på at levere de værktøjer, du skal bruge for at holde dit projekt på sporet.
I bund og grund er ClickUp mere end blot et projektstyringsværktøj. Det er en produktivitetsplatform, der søger at eliminere behovet for at bruge flere, usammenhængende værktøjer ved at levere en samlet alt-i-én-løsning.
ClickUp er spækket med en række funktioner designet til at øge produktiviteten og strømline projektstyring. Her er nogle af dens kerneegenskaber:
Klik på Op tilbyder en række prisplaner for at imødekomme forskellige brugerbehov. Her er en oversigt over deres niveaudelte prisstruktur:
Plan | Månedlig startpris | Maks. Antal brugere | Nøglefunktioner |
Gratis | $0 | Ubegrænset | Ubegrænsede opgaver, ubegrænset medlemmer, 100 MB lagerplads |
Ubegrænset | $ 5 pr. Bruger | Ubegrænset | Ubegrænset lagerplads, visninger, integrationer, dashboards og tilpassede felter |
Forretning | $ 12 pr. Bruger | Ubegrænset | Alle funktioner i Unlimited plus 2FA, Google SSO, målmapper og tilpasset eksport |
Business Plus | $ 19 pr. Bruger | Ubegrænset | Alle funktioner i Business plus yderligere automatiseringer, dashboard-widgets og prioriteret support |
Den gratis plan er et godt udgangspunkt for små teams eller enkeltpersoner, der ønsker at prøve ClickUps grundlæggende funktioner. Ubegrænset-planen tilbyder mere fleksibilitet og tilpasningsmuligheder, hvilket gør det til et godt valg for voksende teams. Business- og Business Plus-planerne tilbyder avancerede funktioner og øget automatisering, hvilket gør dem velegnede til større teams eller virksomheder med komplekse projektledelsesbehov.
Husk, det er vigtigt at vælge en plan, der stemmer overens med dit teams størrelse, budget og krav. Du kan altid starte med en lavere plan og opgradere, efterhånden som dine behov udvikler sig.
Software | Månedlig startpris | Gratis prøveversion | Tidsporing | Budgetteringsværktøjer | Visninger af opgavevisning | Chat i realtid | Videooptagelse i appen |
Klik på Op | $ 5 pr. Bruger | Ja | Ja | Ja | Liste, tavle, tidslinje, kalender, boks, Gantt, aktivitet, tankekort, arbejdsbelastninger, tabel, kort | Ja | Ja | | $8 per bruger (minimum tre brugere) | Ja, 14 dage | Ja | Ja | Tavle, tidslinje, Gantt, kalender, liste, filer, kort, diagram | Ingen | Ingen |
Trello | $ 5 pr. Bruger | Ja, 14 dage | Ingen | Ingen | Liste, tavle, kalender, tidslinje, tabel, dashboard, kort, arbejdsrumstabel, arbejdsrumskalender | Ingen | Ingen |
Asana | $10.99 pr. bruger | Ja, 30 dage | Ingen | Ingen | Liste, tavle, tidslinje, kalender, fremskridt, formularer, tabel, kort | Ingen | Ingen |
Som du kan se, har hvert værktøj sine egne styrker og svagheder. ClickUp skiller sig ud for sit brede udvalg af opgavevisningsvisninger, chat i realtid og videooptagelsesfunktioner i appen. Men andre værktøjer som f.eks og Asana tilbyder også robuste funktioner, selvom de mangler chat i realtid og videooptagelse i appen. Trello er på den anden side en mere budgetvenlig mulighed, men den mangler tidssporing og budgetlægningsværktøjer.
Absolut! ClickUps gratis plan er faktisk gratis, uden skjulte omkostninger eller bindinger. Denne plan tilbyder et robust sæt funktioner, herunder ubegrænsede opgaver, ubegrænsede medlemmer og op til 100 MB lagerplads. Det er en fantastisk mulighed for enkeltpersoner eller små teams, der lige er begyndt med projektstyringssoftware.
Selvom den gratis plan har nogle begrænsninger sammenlignet med de betalte planer (såsom lagergrænser og adgang til premium-funktioner), giver den stadig et omfattende værktøjssæt til styring af opgaver og projekter. Så du kan helt sikkert begynde at bruge ClickUp gratis og derefter beslutte, om du vil opgradere til en betalt plan, efterhånden som dine behov vokser.
Projektstyringssoftware er et digitalt værktøj, der hjælper teams med at planlægge, organisere og administrere opgaver. Det letter samarbejde, planlægning, ressourceallokering og fremskridtssporing, hvilket gør projektudførelsen mere effektiv og strømlinet.
ClickUp er et robust og alsidigt projektstyringsværktøj, der kan gavne virksomheder i alle størrelser betydeligt. Dens omfattende funktioner til opgavestyring, samarbejde og projektsporing gør den til et fremragende valg for teams, der sigter på at strømline deres arbejdsgange og øge produktiviteten. Selvom det har et rigt funktionssæt, er det designet med brugervenlighed i tankerne, hvilket gør det tilgængeligt selv for dem, der er nye til projektstyringssoftware.
The tasks are organised by status and has many columns for each work hence it makes tasks to appear simple to organise since most of my tasks involve many different participants. It helps me find it's ability to attach files directly to tasks as proven in valuable in keeping all relevant information in one place hence helping me always avoid confusion of tasks. It allows me to create dashboards to track my team and company's progress and performance towards its goal hence it makes organising complex projects easy as my company deals with mostly complex projects such as construction of road.
It's always simple to use hence I don't have any dislike about it.
It has helped me alot in terms of organising tasks to be done by team members.
With multiple different ways to display things, ClickUp offers our users the ability to plan projects and work flows seamlessly, from Gant charts to simple to do lists, click up has it covered
Some of the new updates have effectively hidden some of the key features, ie made it harder to find them
Pulling together multiple projects, all with small teams and different "customers" has always been tricky, it with ClickUp we have a one stop shop for all of our flows, kabans and simple task lists
Clickup is very ease of use and it helps me to organize my daily even from personal tasks.
I think the Customer Support could be also in Portuguese
It helps my team to organize all the tasks set to our clients.
Good Visual and easy to use, very good for team work and knolodge of witch one tasks
I would like to have a calendar without need to create tasks
Is solving the team work traking, it helps a lot with the tasks controle
Clickup is a very intuitive and very easy software, it has rich features for managing and analyzing projects in a simple and easy way.
The price is not one of the most interesting for the Brazilian market
He has helped me find bottlenecks in my process and directed me to focus my efforts on what has the greatest impact on my results.
Whatever the project is, whether it's a CRM, content calendar, or project tracking, you can set it up in Click Up. Then you can find the best way for you to view each of those projects. Anytime there's been a problem, customer service has been so easy to work with.
For me personally as a creative, there's a learning curve. But I work with a virtual assistant, so when we start something new it's so simple for her to show me and for me to learn how it works.
It's that one hub I can go to and know that anything I'm searching for is right there in Click Up.
I love that Click Up is completely customizeable to my needs both organizationally and visually.
It takes a long time to figure out if you do not have a techy background
Keeps everything I need to do my job in one place form calendar to infomation management
I've been working with the platform for a while, while we implemented a scrum work methodology for projects. I say the above to say that what I like most about ClickUp is how it has accompanied all this experience. It is an essential tool for implementation and coordination between areas.
Some data is altered when passing it to panels, I think that the development of subtasks sometimes complicates certain functions of the platform
It is solving the problem of where to unify our institutional organization, and it is benefiting me in project management
The multiples views of tasks is the best feature for me, some times a need lists to get overall picture of some work others I need board, to work with a team, and in other situations I need a formal Gannt chart for old management school clients. Have all this options in the same tool is real awesome.
The way that lists are rendered on dashboards, keeping the fields of filter, search and others always visible. For me the ideal would be that these fields is rendered only in edit mode, mantaining the list view clean.
So, Clickup has become to me a kind of cockpit for: - Manager professional contacts - Manager internal projects of my company - Manager customers projects - Manager several aspects of my home, since maintenance until what I am planting in the garden - A place to setup my GTD System The main benefit is being able to follow what a need to do and prioritize what I will do first.
We have used several different services over time, Jira, Asana, Trello, etc. The issue you we before was the need for having a separate software for time tracking vs product flow tracking etc. Click up has been so useful for us as a company as all the features it has allows us to condense the programs we use into one.
I would love to see the chat functionality upgraded. If we could move away from another program like slack in order to have all conversations in one place that would be awesome. Clickup does have a chat/communication function, it is just a little less functional than would be desired to pivot from something like slack.
Condensing the need for several programs into one. We also like the ability to write and follow email communications on a task level. It makes tracking issues and progress so much easier.
The flexibility and sophistication of workflows in ClickUp are incredible! The possibilities in ClickUp don't just make project management easy, it drives me to design better processes!
The number of features in ClickUp can be overwhelming. It is not designed to allow users to be an expert out of the box but it is very usable out of the box and provides plenty of head room to continue growth.
ClickUp is allowing us to collaborate better and implement process improvements more rapidly across project teams.
There's a lot of integration options with third party apps. The default views and configurations are great to start with but being able to customize almost everything really make this a fantastic app that you can make all your own.
The learning curve on how to really use it is rather steep. It's only after several weeks or months of use that you start to see how customizable and applicable ClickUp can be. It can be a PM software, CRM software, or a basic Task Management; it's all up to you.
It gives me a workspace that I can customize and use with my team. I think I'll even be able to share certain views with clients but that's up to me to learn how.
The ability to be specific, but across many areas. A task can e added to multiple lists and spaces to be seen wherever it is relevant.
Some of the customization is cludgy. People added custom fields that were added universally. Fields are difficult to remove and modify. Using templates can be confusing sometimes.
ClickUp allows us to organize the tasks that need to be done. Before ClickUp we communicated with long email threads. Tasks got lost, and people were forgotten.
It's super useful to keep up with everyday tasks. Love it and I use it a lot for work.
I've had no problems so far with the program, it's very useful.
Using it with my coworkers to catch up with our work and see what tasks are already done.
Funcionabilidades e facilidade de gerenciamento das tarefas
No momento nada contra , ate agora tem cido uma experiência exelente
Organizaçâo de tarefas
The options you can have to use for the team or implementations
The media storage its a bit low for the uses
The distribution of the information in the crm
We use Click-up to track and manage our team tasks, efficiently with the easy to use UI. It contains a ton of features as well that we have not yet used. The ease of use is what keeps coming back to it. The various we can view our tasks helps plan our week.
ClickUp is a bit slow sometimes but never buggy.
We have been using ClickUp to manage a multitude number of tasks efficiently and with simplicity. It gives us a good overview that helps us balance work load and estimate delivery timelines.
People can customize ClickUp to how it works for them. Maybe some team members like dark mode. Maybe people want to default to a different view. You can use it for EVERYTHING -- from a sales funnel to CRM to wiki to project management. Also it's pretty. :-) (... That matters!)
The only reason I wouldn't recommend ClickUp to someone is that it could be more powerful than you need. Figuring out the ideal setup for your team / agency can be a bit of a learning curve, but honestly, people like us have fun with that. :-) Sometimes it can feel a little slow (but much improved with the recent updates!)
I love the ability to use subtasks for stages of a project (R1 is due on x date, revisions need to happen in this date range, finals due here), and to assign multiple people to a task. The built-in time tracking is super helpful too!
One spot for project management for ALL my tasks associated with my business and CLIENTS. ClickUp has reduced the noise in inbox by allowing me to have client portals where 95% of client communication is housed. My Virtual Assistant and I have streamlined our SOP's in ClickUp too! Everything from: Social Media posts Email Funnels Podcast marketing and more Customer Support is top-notch. I've only had to contact them 2-3 times and the response was timely and they resolved my issue within 24 hours. We use Click up DAILY in my business and I really don't know how I managed my business before!
There are so many features that it can feel like you are not using it to it's fullest and then you wonder what you might be missing out on. I just used the Whiteboard feature on a live call and love it!
It saves me from becoming frustrated of having to look for things in email or desktop files which allows me to be less frustrated and saves me TIME!It also has allowed my VA and I to streamline our communication. Clients love how everything is in one place. Emails get lost and overlooked. I also like that if something is overdue I get an email informing me of that [I set due dates for all my tasks to keep both my VA abnd myself accountable]
Lo que más me gusta es poder compartir con mi compañero de trabajo la evolución de las tareas, invitar a clientes para organizar el trabajo y activar el temporizador para controlar los tiempos de trabajo.
Puede ser un poco abrumador al principio por todas las funcionalidades que tiene, pero en cuanto empiezas a utilizarlo se hace más fácil.
Me ayuda a resolver la comunicación y planficación de los proyectos con mis clientes.