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EngageBay prisoversigt

EngageBay prisplaner
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EngageBay har 4 priser på 4 planer, fra $0.00 til $84.99. Se på forskellige prisplaner nedenfor og se, hvilket niveau og hvilke funktioner der opfylder dit budget og dine behov.
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Prisoplysninger for EngageBay leveres af softwareleverandøren eller hentes fra offentligt tilgængeligt prismateriale. Prisoplysningerne blev sidst opdateret den 18. februar 2024 fra sælgers hjemmeside og kan være anderledes end den faktiske. Bekræft venligst med leverandørens hjemmeside før køb.

EngageBay Prisanmeldelser

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juli 31, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Roy F.
Informationsteknologi Help Desk/Noc Engineer
"Værktøj, der styrker min markedsføring"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved EngageBay?

I first saw EngageBay August of 2018. Its a big fuzz during the black friday sale on that year as well. I think it was promising but it does not meet my need yet. I signed up for the free account and just check it from time to time. I am amazed of the progress they have for a short time. Finally, I checked it again during the first quarter of 2020. Times are tough, Im just thankful Engagebay is sophisticated enough to handle my marketing. I slowly migrated. After a few months, Im doing pretty well. Just glad I switched over. I have a system with a really high standard for a price far lower than what I use to pay.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved EngageBay?

I explore EngageBay functions thoroughly to maximize its use. I noticed for the entirety of my use of Engagebay that new features seem to come out faster than related documentations. In some cases, I do not find any documentation at all. Engagebay is easy to use so I can figure how to work things out eventually. however, it is nice to have immediate guide so that I can make use of the new features right on. In addition, It is also nice to have a place where I can see new features released. I can only find out of these new features when I accidentally come across it or when I ask support.

Hvilke problemer løser EngageBay, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I have been a freelance Web Developer and Digital Marketing Analyst for the past 6 years and I am constantly working on growing my market. I am used to professional level tools that I have in my corporate job. However, they prove to be costly. Discovering EngageBay, allows me to operate on that level of professional environment I want and organize my efforts in my marketing and doing transactions with my clients with a really affordable pricetag.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
November 09, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"Fremragende værdi for en omfattende marketingpakke"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved EngageBay?

EngageBay offers comparable functionality to ActiveCampaign for a fraction of the price. The interface is straightforward and easy to use, which made the transition relatively painless. Plus, whenever we've encountered issues, the technical support team has been incredibly responsive. They often resolve the issue during the chat; if not, they typically provide a solution within one or two business days--even when the solution requires coding.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved EngageBay?

The system feels somewhat young (although it's growing up quickly!). For instance, the supposedly responsive, mobile-friendly templates really weren't. Still, once we brought this to the team's attention, they fixed the issue, and the new, responsive templates populated throughout the system. Overall, the templates seem clunky and not as sophisticated to use as, say, Mailchimp, but the platform is far more robust. Also, the navigation can be challenging. I always struggle with locating the email autoresponders, which are embedded in a specific workflow and not editable elsewhere.

Hvilke problemer løser EngageBay, og hvordan gavner det dig?

We're using EngageBay to track conversions for website landing pages and to send automated emails for site visitors who take specific actions. We also use it to send out email campaigns segmented for different audiences.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Februar 09, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
Cameron N.
"LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Fuld af funktioner, nem at bruge og en brøkdel af prisen på mange andre"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved EngageBay?

LOVE that EngageBay if feature-rich. It still amazes me that it is a fraction of the cost of many others out there, but has so many more features and functionalities. Works across multiple departments' needs, easy to train clients on and use internally, integration is easy and simple to set up...heck entire system is easy to set up and start rockin 'n rollin. It is the perfect system for clients looking for a full-featured platform that is easy to use, easy to get set up, and who want to save on costs of the big guys. I am telling you this system is customizable and will fit any small business needs!

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved EngageBay?

It is hard to pick anything, but I would say more reporting options at an overall high-level not necessarily detailed per campaign/sequence...but that could already be in place and I am just not 100% sure where to locate that...it is so feature-rich I will be discovering everything it can do for years to come!

Hvilke problemer løser EngageBay, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Simple to use yet advanced in functionality; CRM and marketing platform. The benefits... every day I discover cool new things that it can do. We try to implement new functionality internally and test before we recommend it to clients as an option. We have helped clients save thousands of dollars (and lots of headaches) by recommending they switch to EngageBay from the other guys.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
November 28, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bekræftet anmelder
"En god pris for et godt udvalgt produkt"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved EngageBay?

I like that it has most of the features of the most popular CRM's but at a fraction of the cost. We were paying 5x more for a popular alternative so it is a no brainer in that regard.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved EngageBay?

It is missing a few features that the more premium CRM's have but at this price you just cannot complain.

Hvilke problemer løser EngageBay, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It is solving our CRM needs and email marketing needs. The builder for emails and landing pages is very easy to use and an improvement on others I have used.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Mar 21, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Marcin R.
"Første gang du bruger et CRM-program, og EngageBay lader dig gøre meget til en god pris."
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved EngageBay?

I love that you can create unlimited contacts and you could send 50,000 emails per month. But I could purchase additional emailing credits if I want to send even more emails. That is just one part of the All-in-one suite subscription. There are different modules that you can do a lot in, Marketing, Sales, Service, Livechat. Each module has a myriad number of features that you can implement in your own way that will meet your company's needs.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved EngageBay?

One thing I dislike about EngageBay is that the All-in-one suite does not actually include everything. There is a new really cool feature which allows you to track website activity, but it is an add-on. EngageBay charges extra for this feature.

Hvilke problemer løser EngageBay, og hvordan gavner det dig?

EngageBay definitely has a good price for the All-in-one suite when compared to other CRM software. I was looking for a CRM program to be able to send and track emails, especially in mass amounts. EngageBay had that and much more as well.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
November 01, 2020
Samlet bedømmelse:
Cherly-Ządów C. avatar
Cherly Ządów C.
Head of Early Stage Investments / Investor
"Fuldstændig CRM-platform administrerer kunderelationer bedre med automatisering."
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved EngageBay?

EngageBay gives the best insight to run Email Marketing and Deals exercises on one stage. Are use EngageBay for most things that include a business pipeline, CRM, Appointment scheduling, and undertaking the board. EngageBay handles all of marketing, Deals/CRM, and backing needs effectively and intuitively at an incredible cost. Deals measure was inviting and never pushy. Onboarding is an ongoing cycle, and the group is responsive. It is a finished and intuitive instrument. Engagebay can undoubtedly arrange all email contacts so that can keep a light track of the business stream and improve or interlink associations with clients and return them stronger. Notwithstanding a wide scope of highlights that gives the total personalization of messages for crusades. Great marketing capacity and client care administration. Exceptionally fast react. It has so many promising highlights like tracking bargains, contacts, list, email marketing and computerization.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved EngageBay?

EngageBay has a ton of glitches and bugs with successions and email marketing mechanization. The measure of email formats accessible are additionally limited. The interface isn't intuitive and could be streamlined and made basic. A few Programming interface docs didn't exist on the public site. The product lacking in integrating with different stages. The CRM information base isn't as strong as other existing organizations and furthermore the email id doesn't make the organizations data set automatically. The channel/search choices to find specific contact isn't up to stamp. Associations with Standpoint, Gmail, and Office365 are confusing and break. Email strings don't stack past messages - need to parchment and look to take a gander at past messages in a similar discussion.

Hvilke problemer løser EngageBay, og hvordan gavner det dig?

EngageBay is all in one CRM and Marketing Correspondence Platform! It has an integrative stage which includes all capacities under one rooftop, no compelling reason to switch between stages. The web structures and the landing page include is very special and functions admirably. What's more, the look and feel of the stage likewise is extremely pleasant Places this application above numerous others has is the client care they get from the engineers. The UI/UX give a consistent encounter. The suite of instruments is acceptable and the reality it is integrated with numerous apparatuses.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
December 12, 2018
Samlet bedømmelse:
Paul T.
E Marketingstrateg/Konsulent
"Lovende opstart til CRM og marketing automation"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved EngageBay?

I like how they give you access to all these marketing and CRM/sales features in one dashboard. It could easily replace a number of other tools you are using right now. Pricing is fair for what you get too and I also really like the file repository feature that bigger marketing teams will really appreciate.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved EngageBay?

Landing page templates are very limited at the moment there are literally only two of them at the moment.

Hvilke problemer løser EngageBay, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Replacing autoresponders with a more complete tool for a lower price.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
November 09, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
şelha K.
Marketing og forretningsudvikling
"Fantastisk support og god pris for kvalitet"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved EngageBay?

I like the ease of use of the platform, very intuitive and now that they have changed design is even nicer! I also like how there is always someone available through the chat to support you and solve queries.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved EngageBay?

I wouldn't say I liked that at the beginning; we only had a 100 email limit to send, but the team helped me out effectively and gave me the correct instructions so that our limit could be increased.

Hvilke problemer løser EngageBay, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Since we are still a scale up, we had troubles finding a tool that fit to our size, not only in features but also in pricing. And EngageBay solved this for us, its the platform we really needed!