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Instapage Anmeldelser og produktdetaljer

Instapage Oversigt
Hvad er Instapage?

Instapage er en af ​​de førende landingssidebyggere blandt marketingfolk med løftet om en stigning på 400 % i afkast på annonceudgifter. Den er meget konverteringsfokuseret og har en omfattende liste over optimeringsfunktioner såsom A/B og multivariat test, detaljerede analyser og varmekortlægning. Det tilbyder en proprietær løsning kaldet AdMap, som giver virksomheder mulighed for at levere skræddersyede og relevante destinationssideoplevelser til deres publikum efter annonceklik. Dens brugervenlige grænseflade, lange liste af native integrationer og hundredvis af træk-og-slip designskabeloner gør det muligt for marketingfolk at lancere, teste og optimere landingssider i stor skala inden for en hurtig ekspeditionstid uden behov for tidskrævende kodning på bagende. Dette gør Instapage en ideel landingssidebyggerløsning til slanke organisationer og startups, mens større virksomheder kan drage fordel af dets markedsledende og tilpassede konverteringstjenester.

Om os Instapage, Inc.
År grundlagt 2012
Firma størrelse 51-200 medarbejdere
Hovedkontor San Francisco, CA, USA
Sociale medier
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Hvad Instapage er bedst til?
Hvordan Instapage sammenligne med ClickFunnels?
Hvad er fordele og ulemper ved Instapage?
Instapage Produktdetaljer
Lille virksomhed
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-baseret
Support 24/7 (liverepræsentant), chat, e-mail/helpdesk, ofte stillede spørgsmål/forum, vidensbase, telefonisk support
Kurser Dokumentation
Sprog Engelsk
Instapage Fordele og ulemper
  • Du får et væld af tilpasselige skabeloner
  • Du kommer til at bruge en træk-og-slip-builder
  • Du kan oprette en konto meget hurtigt
  • Instapage priserne bliver hurtigt dyre
  • Det er svært at lave tilpasset kode
  • Den mobile reaktionsevne på landingssider er hit-or-miss
Instapage Priser han har vundet
Findstack 2024 General Badge
Instapage Funktionalitet
A / B-test
Automatiseret eksperiment
Adfærdsmæssige målretning
Skabeloner, der kan tilpasses
Træk og slip editor
Dynamisk indhold
E-handel integration
Indsamling af feedback
Målsætning / Sporing
Multivariate Testing
Rapportering og analyse
Afspilning af session
Notifikationer om socialt bevis
Split URL-test
Undersøgelser / afstemninger
Kortlægning af besøgendes rejse
Besøgende optagelse
Instapage Medier
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Instapage Screenshots
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Sidst opdateret: September 07, 2024
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478 Instapage Anmeldelser
4.3 ud af 5
Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Februar 01, 2024
Samlet bedømmelse:
Desislava B.
"Jeg elsker virkelig, hvor nemt jeg kan oprette forskellige hjemmesider"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

The drag-and-drop, visual builder, no need for a professional developer

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

Nothing. I like everything, and it is absolutely enough for my needs.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It saves money from development, saves time, and we can expand our business fast.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Jan 31, 2024
Samlet bedømmelse:
Adrien F.
"Instapage er den bedste mulighed, jeg har fundet til højkonverterende LP'er"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

I enjoy using Instapage. Instapage allows me to design beautiful landing pages without needing a developer or coding knowledge. I can quickly create stunning and highly-converting landing pages with simple drag-and-drop capability. There are more than enough templates for every sector or necessity, making it simple to design your landing page with the page content cues already in place. Interacting with email marketing, CRM, and other systems is pretty simple. The A/B testing function is handy and very efficient. For me, Instapage is (—by far) the most user-friendly landing page builder I've come across.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

When you view a desktop LP layout on mobile, it frequently does not operate properly! This feature, in my opinion, needs a lot more significant improvement. Aside from that, everything else is fantastic.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It's tough for me to pick a favorite Instapage feature because there are so many. From my opinion, the most remarkable feature that makes me rely on Instapage is that they provide excellent integrations with a broad range of other platforms.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Jan 31, 2024
Samlet bedømmelse:
Michael V.
Senior Search Marketing Manager
"Instapage er også fantastisk til at oprette tilpassede landingssider."
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

Instapage support is unmatched. We've never been held up waiting on a reply from support. Every support member is very knowledgeable and helpful.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

It would be nice to have some editing options across multiple workspaces at once. The page analytics is great for making sure the page is live but you'll still need something for more in-depth analysis.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Time. The features in Instapage, specifically global blocks, save us a trmendous amount of time.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 31, 2024
Samlet bedømmelse:
Skov H.
Leder, Design
"Fantastisk værktøj, bedre kundeservice!"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

If you have ever worked with a landing page builder, Instapage is similar, but a bit more user-friendly. My favorite part about them is the customer service is FANTASTIC! I ask lots of questions, and always get extremely prompt and helpful answers, often even with screen recorded demos. I have also found their custom coding options to be super helpful, and they are so quick its had little impact on our allotted annual hours.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

Building for mobile is sometimes frustratiang. Showing and hiding elements can get confusing, and especially cumbersome when you need to update an element that is hidden on desktop. Frustrating at times, but also not horrible.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It has allowed us to scale and test quickly, specifically in a way that we could not achieve if we needed internal development support as our engineers have many competing priorities.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
August 28, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Marianna D. avatar
Marianna D.
Marketing Manager
"Meget godt værktøj til landingssider!"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

Instapage is very easy to use and the design of the landing could become very attractive if you learn the basics.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

The only thing I dislike is the communication with the Italian registrar service that sometimes takes longtime.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Instapage let us to build vertical landing pages useful for our segmented business and let us to increase profits.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juni 15, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Isaac M.
"Fremragende system"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

Instapage makes it incredibly easy and fast to launch high-converting landing pages, with all the integrations and tools we need to track and test the campaigns. As a web developer, I appreciate some of the extra tools and widgets they have for custom domains, inserting scripts, and pushing the pages easily to Wordpress.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

Instapage is not easily used as a complete website, and although you can set a landing page as your homepage in Wordpress, it's more ideal for one off campaigns. I also find configuring the email notifications clunky, as having to toggle back and forth between different areas of the website means you lose your place from where you were and you have to go find the folder/project you were working on again.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Instapage allows us to quickly launch landing pages and run Google Ads to them without needing to use our client websites, which can often be slow, clunky, and it takes a while to get access.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Maj 17, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Thiago A.
"En enestående platform for designere og marketingfolk"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

The best thing about Instapage is that it allows us to create layouts without limitations with the drag and drop tool and even allows us to add or edit custom CSS, JavaScript and HTML codes. The HubSpot integration is also a valuable feature for everyone here on my marketing team.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

Sinto falta de recursos nativos para criar animações e transições entre as seções da landing page sem precisar usar códigos.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Instapage solved a big problem that we had here at the company, which was the fact that the performance of our landing pages was below ideal for Google's Core Web Vitals. After we started using Instapage to create Landing Pages, our performance in ad campaigns improved a lot.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Maj 11, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
David W. avatar
David W.
Grundlægger af partner
"Instapage = flere x ved konverteringer"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

Instapage is designed to convert leads by focusing the CTAs on a landing page in a seemless, versatile and super insightful way. erasethecase.con proudly uses instapage!

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

There are some functionalities from say wordpress that cannot be applied into the landing pages, especially features like a google review carousel.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Funnel optimization and data feedback loops

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Mar 09, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Dylan S.
"Bedre end Clickfunnel osv."
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

The platform is awesome and the support is even more awesome

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

Unfortunately I can't send videos in live chat with support, but screenshots are possible

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I can create landing pages the way I want, down to the smallest detail

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Mar 04, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Zack W.
"Fuldfør Landing Page Builder med fantastisk support"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

Instapage makes it very easy to make professional landing pages that convert at a very high rate. I love how much freedom you have to move things around design-wise instead of being locked into a template like other landing page builders. I also love the heat maps and the data you get back. Very good product.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

I don't like that they limit you to 30 total pages. To get 60 pages, they double the price without any discount and make you pay a full year in advance. This makes agency owners like myself look to other platforms for various tasks. There should be an agency rate with unlimited pages (like ClickFunnels has). I would pay more for an agency rate, but I'm not willing to go 30 pages at a time paying a year in advance.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Instapage helps me quickly build professional landing pages for lead generation. It's easy to A/B test and duplicate pages for other offers. This helps me get strong results for my clients at scale.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Februar 28, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Maggie H.
"Fantastisk praktisk kundeservice"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

When we started looking for a replacement for our previous clunky landing page builder, Instapage stood out from the competition. And then, when we started having conversations with them, they blew them out of the water! Our engagements with the team are informative and helpful in completing our goals. When working through challenging projects, they are willing to jump on calls even weekly to ensure we get the help and support we need! And the product itself is user-friendly. We had a landing page up and running within one day! Plus the heatmap...we love the feedback we get from the heatmap!

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

The analytics leave a little to be desired. But in the short time we have been with Instapage they have consistently been adding new analytic features, so it is getting better!

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Instapage is helping us better connect with our consumers through visual storytelling on our landing pages. Our webpages focus on being more informative, so the visual storytelling of our product (education) is essential for our lead generation.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
December 12, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Lucian M. avatar
Lucian M.
Specialist i Customer Relationship Management
"Fantastisk værktøj med fantastisk kundesupport"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

How easy is the drag and drop UI and the ease with which you can integrate other 3rd parties

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

Should have made a bit clearer differentiation in Landing Pages/Experiments

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Creating multiple Landing Pages that convert in a easy non-technical way

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
November 17, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Seyf N.
Managing Director
"Instapage Anmeldelse"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

I love how simple it is to create landing pages at scale. You don't need to be a developer to create landing pages at scale. Integrating your domain is also super easy as well.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

I just wish that they had a few more features instead of relying on finding javascript/css to make it happen. For example, a floating call button for mobile devices would be ideal. I also wish that the analytics included what types of conversions were fired off and going into more detail.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It is helping us create landing pages at scale and to increase our turn around times for our clients. It has been a center piece for all of our Google ads campaigns and has helped increase our conversions for our clients.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
November 07, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Safell S.
Marketing Manager
"Kundeservice var hurtig og hjælpsom!"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

Instapage is truly great because you can use it intuitively, and it gets the job done. What I was really impressed about was their customer service, I tried their live chat for the first time and it was incredibly quick in response and I got the assistance I needed.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

The conversion tracking on the platform itself is not super insightful. The 'links on page' are also not accurate or at least they are a bit confusing. Another thing is in terms of image features, it would be great if we could add text on top of pictures and overlay.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Creating landing pages without the need for code, and easily editable. That benefits me because I don't need the help of our developer to do my job, and I can get landing pages out fast.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
September 17, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Sandeep D. avatar
Sandeep D.
Chief Executive Officer
"Instapage er virkelig vidunderligt værktøj til at oprette landingssider og booste dit salg."
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

Instapage offers a fantastic landing page builder tool, allowing us to optimize the LP with insights from deep analytics and heatmaps. It also allows flawless integration with Google ads.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

It's a little pricey than other LP tools available and does not meet the budget of smaller startups. Instapage should also allow a few plans with lower costs to cater to the startup's needs.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Instapage makes it easier for marketers and agencies to build powerful landing pages. It also makes it easy to integrate forms and test different landing pages for performance and conversions.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
August 04, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Olayinka A.
Digital marketing specialist
"Stressfri, nem at navigere i grænsefladen."
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

Drag and drop, of course. Thumbs up on the easy integrations for Facebook & Google tag Responsive customer service, they were of great help when needed, and it's swift well, informed folks there

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

Add codes to the script section do not reflect. I had to go through the webpage itself for it to work.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Right, I don't know

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juni 12, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Ezra R.
"InstaPage En fantastisk webhosting-app"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

I love their use of Visitor Statistics and site traffic reporting. InstaPage did an amazing job providing the user with tools to promote my online business. Instapage has a very nice "30-day money-back guarantee" which gives the end-user the confidence to try them out.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

Customer service needs to be improved a bit. It seems like the wait time exceeds my patience.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I use analytics to gain insights as to website traffic and what content to market to which groups.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Maj 17, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Carlos L. avatar
Carlos L.
Marketing Director
"Min valgfri platform til opbygning af landingsside"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

It's easy to use. Really intuitive builder with all the tools I need to create landing pages for my clients. I love the integrations.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

The price is a little high, but it's well worth it.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I'm a marketer, not a coder. Being able to design great looking pages with no code knowledge is perfect for me, and all the integrations available let me do every thing I need.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Maj 03, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Gabriela A.
Ux design
"Instapage var en god overraskelse og afgørende for at genopbygge en side for min virksomhed"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

The usability of the platform, the services that you could integrate in the page, and the results of my page, like de number of conversions, and leads.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

I think it could be more possibilities to edit the components, and if I didn't follow the default blocks, the mobile version get super messy and I had to redesign all.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I have to rebuild a page where we get all the leads for people who wanted to sell with us. We had a page that was not very friendly, and the problem was to redesign and improve the number of leads that we received. We did a very friendly page, with multiples channels of contact from the different services that we provide, and we increase the numbers of leads and the quality of them because with instapage we solve one of the problems tath we have internally, that we weren`t getting all the information of the leads.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
April 28, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Gracia G.
Marketing Communications Manager
"Fantastisk platform"
Hvad kan du bedst lide Instapage?

It's really easy to build a landing page with instapage. The best part is that it's very easy to create a mobile-friendly landing page with it. I also like that you can modify HTML code directly.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Instapage?

I'd like more accurate insights, more information on how the pages are performing, conversion metrics, better heatmaps that show more detailed information, rather than a general overview. I'd also like a direct integration with Crazy Egg. I also think you should be able to hide things in the desktop version and keep them in the mobile version. Right now, you can only do it the other way around.

Hvad problemer er Instapage løsning, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It's great that I have all my accounts in one place. I can easily change platforms, schedule, repost. I'm definitely more productive and everything isjust faster and easier.

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