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(Tidligere ConvertKit)
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Sættet har 3 priser på 3 planer, fra $0.00 til $25.00. En gratis prøveversion af Kit er også tilgængelig. Se på forskellige prisplaner nedenfor, og se, hvilket niveau og hvilke funktioner der opfylder dit budget og dine behov.
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Prisoplysninger for Kit leveres af softwareleverandøren eller hentes fra offentligt tilgængeligt prismateriale. Prisoplysningerne blev sidst opdateret den 16. oktober 2024 fra sælgers hjemmeside og kan være anderledes end den faktiske. Bekræft venligst med leverandørens hjemmeside før køb.

Kit Priser Anmeldelser

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Maj 20, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
Alaia W. avatar
Alaia W.
Erhvervsorganisation og proceskonsulent
"Brugervenlig og nem at starte for de ikke så teknisk kyndige"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

For someone without a lot of technical knowhow, you can simple, clean, great looking emails. Even someone like me, who is tech-savvy and has used almost every major email marketing provider, the CK setup time is great.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

Sometimes it would be nice to have the option to create something more "showstopping" for special occasions. The landing page templates also aren't that great - but they'll do and they're great for those without skill or who are short on time. The cost. Now they have a free plan. I feel like they could have had one for years. Eventually, when I purged my list and was starting over, it didn't make sense to pay them $50/mo to manage a handful of names.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I switched them from MailChimp years ago when I wanted easier and faster ways to segment my audience without creating multiple lists (thereby counting contacts more than once). This was before MailChimp had a tagging feature. They also had landing pages before MC did (if memory serves me correctly), so it was nice to be able to quickly create a page and tie it to my mailing list.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Jan 17, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
V-techs M. avatar
V Techs M.
Web Designer
"Bedste e-mail marketing platform."
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

Convertkit is one of the best email marketing platform. I am feeling very compatible with this product. So i recommend this to all email marketers.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

there pricing strategy i little bit dislike

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Easy to send emails with a perfect strategy.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juni 05, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
Francis P. avatar
Francis P.
CEO og grundlægger
"Ok for begyndere til e-mail-marketing, men ikke på længere sigt."
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

ConvertKit is easy to use and has some nice integrations to Wordpress, WooCommerce and other applications making targeting and segmenting your customers and prospects easily. This is a huge benefit over other email providers. Eg I can market to all customers that have purchased a specific product or not purchased a specific product.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

Adding Emails: You can only use their forms/apps to add customers/prospects to ConvertKit or you have to manually upload them. They do have their own API to allow you to custom build integrations but unlike every other mailing provider with an API, this doesn't include the ability to add people?! So when I realised that their Wordpress app didn't support people registering a Wordpress account and ticking a box to register to a mailing list I thought I would be able to do so via the API. But you can't. So its great if you are small or just want it to do simple out of the box things but anything slightly out of the ordinary or wanting to integrate to a system they don't support? Then you are stuck. So I'm having to manually add in the email addresses into Converkit which is just crazy. Support: Support is quick to respond but their knowledge is very basic. Even though they have an API multiple support people thought an API was their forms you can create an embed on your website?! It took me several weeks to try and get them to understand what I was trying to do with the above. Broadcasting emails: The email template editor is VERY basic and I'm using the new and improved one. Just little things you think they would support but don't. Like being able to upload two images side by side. Or reducing the crazy text padding around text. Price: Seems to be over-priced compared with other competitors. I'm on a $290/yr plan for 1000 contacts and this doesn't even include deliverability reporting.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Providing a quick, fast way to send segmented emails to my customers and prospects and provide drip campaigns so I can put customers onto an email journey once they become a customer.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juli 15, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Ivs P.
"Det bedste e-mailmarketingværktøj til begyndere"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

It is free to start with upto 1000 contacts. Which is too good for any starting marketer.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

As on Date Nothing much. I wish GUI good

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

ConvertKit, provides, cost effective email marketing solutions for beginner marketer. As beginners, cannot afford costly tools. Convertkit helps them.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Oktober 04, 2020
Samlet bedømmelse:
Eileen K.
"Det har hjulpet mig med at forbedre trafikken til min blog gennem e-mail-marketingkampagner"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

It has helped me improve traffic to my blog through email marketing campaigns, which I can create in just a few steps and in that way increase the reach of my content, another thing that I really like is the fact that it is quite accessible in money matters, with other applications it happened to me a lot that if I had repeat people in the list of recipients they charged me a penalty for the duplicate, however Convertkit does not do this, which is a great relief for my finances. Besides leaving tasks scheduled to run automatically without the need for me to be aware of them at all times, the interface is also quite easy to use, which is why for me it is a fairly powerful tool

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

I feel that it needs to exploit its potential a little more, since currently it seems to me that it is a very good option compared to the other systems that circulate, but nevertheless I believe that they have remained stagnant and have not sought to improve their functions to continue up front compared to the others.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It has been very useful to me to design my email marketing campaigns as a mechanism to help a massive dissemination of the content published on my social networks and informative blog, since in this way I manage to increase the number of visits to my profile and in that way to be more recognized in the digital world.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Maj 22, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
Krystal K. avatar
Krystal K.
Grundlægger og redaktør
"ConvertKit gør automatisering af e-mail-kampagner så let"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

I love so many things about ConvertKit, and I'm happy I made the switch. The thing I like best is how easy it is to set up automations. I have several automations setu p for my newsletter subscribers, including adding members to my email lists, a welcome series, and custom RSS feeds based on how people want to receive emails (for every post, daily, or weekly). ConvertKit makes it easy. I like the look of ConvertKit emails and forms and the emphasis on text and not using too many images also.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

There was a small learning curve when I started using ConvertKit, for example learning how to use tags. But ConvertKit has lots of helpful tips and guidance in their knowledge base. Twice I had to ask for help in chat and someone responded to me within a few minutes. I needed help figuring out how to set up multiple choice checkboxes for readers so they could select which newsletters they wanted to subscribe to. The employees who responded in the chat directed me to the instructions and I was able to set this feature up easily after reading the links they sent me.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I run a local news website. My readers want choices for receiving emails. The RSS automation features offered with ConvertKit helped me serve those readers. The deliverability is excellent too, and now that I'm launching a freemium newsletter, I can use ConvertKit to charge premium subscribers. ConvertKit seems to care about user success and often offers courses and helpful emails that include tips on how to improve what you are doing.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Jan 24, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Everard B.
Forretningsanalytiker II
"Convert Kit er et dummy-sikkert automatiseringsværktøj"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

Convertkit has been a God send tool. The simplicity of making automations and not feeling overwhelmed in the back-end is hands down my favorite element of Convertkit if I had to rank the greatest element. Aside from the automation simplicity comes their customer service team and the countless resources that they provide to assist you with growing your email system.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

The only thing that stands out as a dislike is that there are a lot of limitations with their email editor. I think having to occasionally having to use html does not align with their "simplicity" business/product culture. If I have to be honest, I think they could have possibly added another price range for people starting out. Maybe something along the lines of 10-15 dollars per month for beginners with a list of 100 or less.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Convertkit has been a God send tool. MY journey began with Get Response and Aweber. Aweber was the old legend email marketing software that helped me to get the ball rolling in my business. I switched to get response because they had automations, however, the automations were far too complicated to keep my loyalty and that is what caused me to finally land with Convertkit,

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juni 30, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Haley D.
"Super intuitivt og så meget funktionalitet gratis!"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

It's simple, straightforward, and incredibly user-friendly. It has a ton of functionality for no cost whatsoever and allows you to create multiple different assets for your business on the same platform rather than signing into 5 different ones!

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

I don't love that my forms and landing pages have a weird domain name because it's hosted on Convert Kit, but it's a small price to pay for a good program. Plus you don't really see the URLs when it's a "click the link" kind of situation

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

They're really helping with my lack of website-building knowledge. I never thought it'd be so simple to create a landing page or form for my customers, but it was absolutely easy to do... and even kind of fun!