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E-mail marketing forenklet
(Tidligere ConvertKit)
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Kitanmeldelser og produktdetaljer

Kit Oversigt
Hvad er Kit?

Kit's (tidligere ConvertKit) popularitet blandt bloggere og indholdsskabere tilskrives platformens evne til at fjerne komplikationerne bag e-mail marketing. Softwaren giver en problemfri oplevelse, der sikrer, at de kan fokusere på at skabe indhold, som deres publikum vil sætte pris på. Kits grænseflade er enkel og er udstyret med enkle designformularer og landingssider, der virkelig konverterer.

Om os ConvertKit LLC
År grundlagt 2013
Firma størrelse 51-200 medarbejdere
Hovedkontor Boise, Idaho, USA
Sociale medier
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$ 29.00 / måned
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Hvordan sammenligner Kit med Mailmodo?
Hvad er fordele og ulemper ved Kit?
Kit Produktdetaljer
Lille virksomhed
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-baseret
Support 24/7 (liverepræsentant), chat, e-mail/helpdesk, ofte stillede spørgsmål/forum, vidensbase, telefonisk support
Kurser Dokumentation
Other languages Engelsk
Kit fordele og ulemper
  • Pålidelig leveringsevne
  • Interface er enkel og nem at bruge
  • Broadcast-e-mail-funktionalitet er problemfri og bekvem
  • Et udvalg af 50+ skabeloner og kvalitetstemaer
  • Praktiske ekstra elementer som en nedtællingstimer og feed for tidligere udgaver
  • Mangler integration med e-handelsplatforme
  • Ikke ideel til flere kunder
  • Udelukkende specialisering i e-mail betyder, at du får brug for tungere integration hele vejen rundt
  • Klumpet bygmester
  • Mangler spamtestning
A / B-test
Automatiserede svar
bounce management
Kontaktliste Import/eksport
Brugerdefinerede felter
Skabeloner, der kan tilpasses
Værktøjer til levering
Dynamisk indhold
Email Tracking
Hændelsesudløst e-mail
Integration med CRM
Mobil optimerede e-mails
Multi-channel marketing
Social Media Integration
Afmeld Administration
Kit Media
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Kit skærmbilleder
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Seneste opdatering: Januar 25, 2025
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193 Kit Anmeldelser
4.4 ud af 5
Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
December 21, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Amit D. avatar
Amit D.
"Bedste og brugervenlige e-mail marketingværktøj"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

The best thing about ConvertKit is that it is novice friendly and has easy navigation. It has tons of pre-built email templates, landing pages, and form templates that you can use after minor modifications. It also has an intuitive list management feature. You can add them individually or in bulk, and they can also subscribe to your list using your landing page and form. Later, you can organize them by tag, category, and source.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

It has all the features that I need for my email marketing. There is nothing to dislike.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I use its email newsletter feature to send offers and service updates to my customers.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Oktober 12, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
⚡ Falak S. avatar
⚡ Falak S.
"ConvertKit automatisering er næste niveau"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

User-friendly layout despite tons of features. Automations forced me to switch from MailerLite to ConvertKit. You can tag leads and send them to different funnels etc. Then send personalized emails using automations. Custom fields make these automations even more powerful. Cherry on the top is excellent customer support. Moving from MailerLite was very easy. Just import the list and you are good to go with ConvertKit.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

It becomes pricey as your list grows. It has steep learning curve especially when you are just starting out on email automations. Their email signup forms are very basic where you can change font, background color etc only. This can be improved definitely.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Putting users in automation funnels. And I am using it as a transactional email platform too. I t tags users based on onboarding completion steps. Then we see where users are leaving the most so we improve that plus users are sent email to complete onboarding from that specific step.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juli 15, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Ivs P.
"Det bedste e-mailmarketingværktøj til begyndere"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

It is free to start with upto 1000 contacts. Which is too good for any starting marketer.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

As on Date Nothing much. I wish GUI good

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

ConvertKit, provides, cost effective email marketing solutions for beginner marketer. As beginners, cannot afford costly tools. Convertkit helps them.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
April 18, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Claire H.
"Let at bruge"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

Simple set up and easy to use. Also the emails dont drop into spam or the google promotions tab.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

Nothing really. I've found it pretty easy to use

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Stops my email content going into spam

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
April 18, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Joseph G.
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

Convertkit allows you to create landing pages that solve specific use cases for getting customers to your product. Without the convert kit I wouldn't be able to optimize my business.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

What is least helpful with Convertkit is that I don't like that there aren't any login integrations with google or single sign-on capabilities. It's hard to remember passwords.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I mainly use convertkit for email marketing purposes. This help solves all the use cases I must address when trying to traffic customers to my landing page. My business has increased by over 30% by using convertkit.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Mar 31, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Cody C.
"Fantastisk software med 10/10 support"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

Customer service and willingness to help

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

few dislikes, the only thing is the interface SOMETIMES glitches but every software is like that

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Im connecting ConvertKit email automations to my landing pages for my business and cannot wait to see the results

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Mar 29, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Jeremy B.
"Elsker dette værktøj til e-mailautomatisering!"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

Simple user interface that is easy to use. I also love the automations and how easy it is to duplicate sequences for new campaigns.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

Only downside is I wish I could add a subscriber to a sequence from said subscribers main "profile" page.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

ConvertKit allows me to send emails to my list via schedules, one-off broadcasts, or automations triggered by actions. I love the different options and appreciate the simplicity and how they've split up the features.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Mar 09, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Dipesh R. avatar
Dipesh R.
Senior Executive SEO
"Bedste marketingautomatiseringsværktøj til skabere"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

It automates all the processes very quickly and is very user Friendly.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

Pricing can be lowered so more user can use it.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I used it for my Email Marketing campaign.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
December 27, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Laura D. avatar
Laura D.
"Forbind nemt med ConvertKit"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

The tutorials and chat/email help are Great! Every time I ask a question, the representative responds quickly, with detailed information, AND includes links to additional resources, usually their very clear, step-by-step tutorials that include pictures and sometimes automations that you can copy and paste into your own account.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

I haven't found anything I dislike yet - oh, I changed my web hosting and had to re-authenticate my domain to be able to send my broadcasts. This was a small speedbump but tech support and tutorials gave me all the information to complete that process quickly.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I like using ConvertKit so it's helping me enjoy writing emails and communications to my list. I LOVE the automations - the graphic interface allows me to clearly map out a series of steps. The tagging system is great for me. I have a few special interest groups and about once a quarter, I email my list and ask the members to pick their preferred interests by clicking a link, and then they're automatically tagged! (Well, they're tagged because I set up the integration following the tutorial!!) Also, A/B testing of headlines is super easy to use. I was always confounded by that but the way ConvertKit works it makes it really easy to see which headline gets the best open rates and response rates.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
November 09, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Carlos AC avatar
Carlos AC
"Nem markedsføringskampagner"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

It's a great and simple tool that has helped me to create marketing campaigns super easily and with a high level of security and professional outlook

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

Is possible the paid plan might be a bit too expensive to my taste

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Faster and well-tracked campaigns

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
November 02, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Magna S. avatar
Magna S.
Marketing Assistent
"Nem at bruge værktøj"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

Handy FAQs to solve how-to steps and on-time Custome Service chat support to answer questions about the products inside Convertkit, unlike another counterpart which provides a bot or delayed response.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

The pricing is much expensive compared to Mailchimp and other marketing landing tool. If the user subscription is lowered, say $20 per month up to 1000 subscribers....

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It is a great Automation builder with its user-friendly navigation templates to follow and build your form using custom fields readily available for easy usage and completion.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Oktober 18, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Bryan J.
"Convertkit er nøglen til forretning"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

As a digital marketer, I have used a wide range of email marketing services and here is why I belive Convertkit is #1. Almost every other email marketing service has the same flaw: they attempt to be a 1-stop shop. Meaning they dilute their main service with alternate features. A jack-of-all-trades but a master of none. Convertkit simply hyper focuses on email and getting you the most in-depth data, making them the master of email marketing.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

The downside of having a service that solely specializes in email means that you will have to integrate with a large number of additional services to complete your marketing system.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

They provide very in-depth data and tracking regarding behavior, actions and reporting for email campaigns, automation and broadcasts.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
September 26, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Melissa E. avatar
Melissa E.
Klaverlærer og Koncertpianist
"ConvertKit har været en fantastisk måde at automatisere vores forretning på."
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

The tagging feature is really great because we've been able to keep customers separated based on purchase or what they've signed up for. This way we can better target our emails. The automations/rules was a big game changer. Through that, we've automated so much in our business, which has saved our assistant a lot of time to be doing other important tasks for us. All around an excellent product. I can't imagine running a business without it anymore.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

I would like it if more other products naturally integrated with Converkit so we didn't need to use a service like Zapier so much. It seems most other services naturally integrate with mailchimp or constant contact, maybe because those companies are bigger? I'm hoping as Convertkit grows, there will be a lot more native integrations.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It is helping us better organize our customers so they get the most relevant emails for their problem. It is helping us automate our business and better collect information from customers, which is helping us know our customer better.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
September 15, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Manish S. avatar
Manish S.
"Et pålideligt e-mail-marketingværktøj"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

- GDPR compliant privacy-focused tool - Offers forms & landing pages to collect subscribers - Simple & purpose oriented landing pages - User-friendly UI - Easy email import & migration

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

- Sends email to subscribers to confirm their subscription - Though it's free to start but becomes expensive as your list grows - Not offer to create landing pages from scratch - URL of the landing pages are so wired they could have had a separate domain for this

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Convertkit helps me build relationships with my audience in the form of an email as well as generate leads for my business. It saved me more hours by simplifying my email marketing efforts.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
August 09, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Djuan S.
Mental Sundhedskonsulent
"Switchen fra Convertkit til ActiveCampaign"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

I enjoyed the weekly training Convertkit offered to their community whereas, with ActiveCampaign, I enjoy the monthly calls with an account manager to help optimize the CRM system.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

I did not like the cost per subscriber as the email list was projected to grow. I would have liked to have more monthly calls to talk about some of the issues that come up with optimizing the list.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

At this time I am no longer using Convertkit. However, I still use their lead magnets to help optimize my website traffic and provide great content for my clients.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
August 07, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Deborah Damilola O.
"Bedste landingssidebygger"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

Email management and landing page builder

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

Nothing so far as all benefits are good.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Ability to send email timeiusly with no hassle. It has helped me with skill development through free webinars hosted by convertkit and the newsletters that they send has been of help

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juli 09, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Narendra Kumar K. avatar
Narendra Kumar K.
Assistant Manager SEO
"Bedste værktøj til at automatisere dine e-mail-kampagner"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

The Simplicity of using the Software and various opportunities to segregate users based on the funnel journey or our email engagements. However, what I love with this software is the email open rate which is always on a good note which means most of our emails are ending up in Inbox or Promotion folders. The creation f segmentation and usage of tags is also the best thing which I have used multiple times while using the software. Creating automation with convertkit is very very easy

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

Yeah, there is only one disadvantage in segmentation. Convertkit will count a user from the date of subscription, If he purchased a product on a specific month while creating segments and trying to segregate the particular month users It won't consider the user from the date of purchase, It will segregate based on the data of the user joined one. In the creator pro plan, there is a solution for it.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Email Reach is the biggest problem convertkit had helped us in solving, we found a lot of our emails are ending in inbox and also we have seen a clear difference in email open rate from day 1 itself. Email automation based on the funnel journey is one of the features which also reduced the lot of manual work. Also, the best thing with the convertkit is we are open to doing experimentation without disturbing the existing templates or setup which is also a good feature.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juni 30, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Haley D.
"Super intuitivt og så meget funktionalitet gratis!"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

It's simple, straightforward, and incredibly user-friendly. It has a ton of functionality for no cost whatsoever and allows you to create multiple different assets for your business on the same platform rather than signing into 5 different ones!

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

I don't love that my forms and landing pages have a weird domain name because it's hosted on Convert Kit, but it's a small price to pay for a good program. Plus you don't really see the URLs when it's a "click the link" kind of situation

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

They're really helping with my lack of website-building knowledge. I never thought it'd be so simple to create a landing page or form for my customers, but it was absolutely easy to do... and even kind of fun!

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Juni 29, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Harshith G. avatar
Harshith G.
Digital Marketing
"Erfaring med convertkit"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

Converkit is best for automating the campaigns as well for best email campaign creation here the best thing is that we can create the landing page or thank you page as well and use that for remarketing purposes which is not available in most of the tools

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

Needs complete customization for users, like predefined templates or rules to define in the campaign so that we can use it to the maximum optimization of the campaigns

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

The main benefit i am getting from the converkit is the easy creation of emails or most helpful in creating the remarketing campaigns, so that i dont want to create multiple campaigns here

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juni 28, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Jennifer Y.
"Kraftfuldt e-mail marketingværktøj og nemt at bruge."
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Kit?

Automations and sequences are easy to set up.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Kit?

It's a bit pricey, but it really is a good investment to build your list.

Hvilke problemer løser Kit, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Growing my email list with sequences and automations.

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