er en platform designet til at forenkle globale ansættelses- og lønprocesser. Det giver virksomheder mulighed for at ansætte og betale medarbejdere på tværs af forskellige lande uden at skulle etablere lokale enheder, hvilket sikrer overholdelse af internationale arbejdslove. Lano tilbyder tjenester som Employer of Record (EOR), entreprenørstyring, global lønkonsolidering og multi-country-lønløsninger.
Kurser | Dokumentation |
Other languages | Engelsk |
- Wallet incl. internal approval process to pay invoices - Can facilitate a lot of countries - Pro-actively worked on their initial shortcomings - Suppliers and EoR in one platform
- High deposits - Occassionally, slow solving of issues due to dependence to third-party intermediaries (e.g., GoGlobal) - Set-up with third-party intermediaries is sometimes cumbersome to get the relevant correct answer (e.g., re parental leave)
- Hiring talent across Europe with setting up your own legal entity in this country - Approval of EoR invoices
I never tried using any tool like Lano but this first was a nice experience. Easy to go around like interface wise, its straighforward. Filiing of invoices is also very easy
I dont think there aside from when you login to a mobile browser sometimes it gets stuck when you try to login with google. My workaround was to switch languages.
I think its helping our accounting and finance team review our pay better and since we are considered contractor, we use our invoices as form of payslip.
From all the platforms we tried in the space Lano by FAR has some of the nicest people who are genuinely trying to help our team succeed with our payroll management across a few countries. They also use a partner network rather than their own local entities so the time taken to onboard a new employee is ridiculously fast regardless of which country they're based in sicne Lano has that coverage on the ground. They seem to be building soething really unique to help us have better visibility on payroll and employee data related topics across our entire remote team and we're very excited to see those features rolling out quickly. The ability to actually make payments from within lano is also super useful.
So far not much - they do work with several partners to make sure that compliance and expertise is super local, however from time to time there may be a few back and forth messages needed to resolve certain doubts, but the Lano team is incredibly quick and friendly in making sure those doubts don't turn into problems.
We have about 350 remote employees in 17 countries and Lano helps us audit, approve, and view all their payroll information on a single screen - they call this "payroll consolidation" which is quite powerful. It also connects with our HR systems and other software to let us sync all changes before making payments from their lano "wallet".
The fact that we left Lano, and the fact that our email eventually were answered
- Erroneous invoices multiple times - Same question, different answers - Latency in customer support interactions - No visibility on the real service delivered - False promises to our employees
Lano is rather creating frustration and workload along the way We used them for a while as EOR, to employ colleagues abroad, and it was a terrible experience, both for the local employees and for us in management