Notion er alt-i-én-arbejdsområdet, der kombinerer dokumenter, wikier og projektledelse. Titusindvis af teams rundt om i verden bruger det til at samarbejde, holde sig orienteret og få mere gjort sammen.
Capabilities |
Segment |
Deployment | Cloud / SaaS / Web-baseret, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone, On-Premise Linux |
Support | 24/7 (liverepræsentant), chat, e-mail/helpdesk, ofte stillede spørgsmål/forum, vidensbase, telefonisk support |
Kurser | Dokumentation |
Other languages | Engelsk |
Mens et relativt nyt indtog i projektledelsesområdet, har Notion udviklet sig ret hurtigt for at imødekomme brugernes behov. Det er en platform, der er bemærkelsesværdig for sin alsidighed, og den er en velkendt mulighed for enkeltpersoner og teams, der ønsker et pålideligt værktøj til at organisere og administrere opgaver – fra notetagning til dybdegående projektledelse.
Men inkorporerer det bedste projektledelsesteknikker hjælpe dig eller dit team med at blive organiseret?
Lad os finde ud af det.
Notion er et cloud-baseret arbejdsområde, hvor enkeltpersoner og små teams kan tage noter, oprette dokumenter, spore projekter og organisere og administrere opgaver på ét sted. Det omtales ofte som et "alt-i-én"-arbejdsområde, fordi brugere kan samle alle deres projekter på en enkelt platform.
Notions popularitet blandt fagfolk og studerende tilskrives dets personalisering, der henvender sig til enhver arbejdsgang. Som bruger har du friheden til at tilpasse layoutet af dit arbejdsområde, mens du stadig får nyttig vejledning og skabeloner til at hjælpe dig i gang.
Grundlagt i 2016 startede Notion som en notat-app men har udviklet sig til en omfattende projektstyringsværktøj for soloprenører og små teams. Platformens mission er at gøre det muligt for folk at forme det produktivitetsværktøj, de bruger hver dag, så det matcher deres behov.
Hver funktion på Notion er designet til at hjælpe brugerne med at være så organiserede som muligt.
Platformen er opdelt i sider, der kan indlejres eller sammenkædes, når det passer dig. Så snart du tilmelder dig, bliver du omdirigeret til din velkomstskærm, der indeholder nogle tips til at komme i gang. Dette inkluderer linkede videoer, der guider dig i at oprette din første side og opsætte dine to-do-lister og projekter.
På venstre side finder du en liste over standardsider, såsom 'Quick Note', 'Personal Home' og 'Task List', som du kan tilpasse og tilføje. Når du opretter en ny side, vises den i venstre panel. Du kan tilføje personlige sidehovederbilleder, beskrivende kommentarer og tilføje tilhørende ikoner til dine sider.
Du skal blot klikke hvor som helst på en side for at tilføje blokke til individuelle stykker indhold såsom tekst, lister, medier, links og undersider. Du kan også bare skrive "/" for at få en menu med blokke frem, du kan tilføje til din nye side.
Selvom Notion startede som en note-app, er det blevet til langt mere end det. Værktøjet har lovende funktioner, der rækker ud over at lave to-do-lister og gør det til en kompetent produktivitets- og projektstyringsapp.
En prisværdig egenskab ved Notion er, at brugervejledninger allerede er indlejret i platformen. Hvis du f.eks. vil oprette et nyt dokument, finder du vejledninger til, hvordan du får mest muligt ud af den forudinstallerede side.
Selvfølgelig kan dette være et hit eller miss. Nogle brugere kan være taknemmelige for de trinvise vejledninger, mens andre kan være frustrerede over manuelt at slette forudinstallerede vejledningssider for at rydde op i deres arbejdsområde.
Notion gør det nemt for dig at oprette sider og dokumenter i den stil, du ønsker. Sider er som mapper, hvor du kan gemme al information relateret til et bestemt emne. Du kan inkludere en række blokke eller elementer på dine sider, såsom tekst, skiftelister, opgavelister, billeder, videolinks, tabeller, tavler og kort.
Hver ændring, du foretager på en side eller blok, gemmes automatisk i Notion. Så du kan altid gå tilbage og se historikken for en side, hvis der er noget, du vil gendanne. Dette er ret nyttigt, når du laver en fejl eller bare vil eksperimentere med forskellige versioner af en side.
Forestillingen er også meget generøs, når det kommer til skabeloner. Det giver brugerne et væld af muligheder, uanset om de opretter blogindlæg, artikler, begivenhedsplaner eller produktlanceringsplaner. Heldigvis er alle skabeloner fuldt tilpasselige, så du kan ændre dem til din smag uden at skulle bygge fra bunden. Platformen opfordrer også brugere til at indsende deres egne skabeloner, så biblioteket vokser, så det passer til en bredere vifte af behov.
Brugere kan oprette forskellige arbejdsområder til forskellige projekter, hvilket er nyttigt, hvis du skal administrere flere projekter på én gang. Hvert arbejdsområde vil have sine egne sider, så al din information forbliver adskilt og organiseret.
Notion giver dig mulighed for at invitere andre mennesker til dit arbejdsområde, så du kan samarbejde i realtid. Mængden af gæster, du kan have ad gangen, afhænger af den plan, du vælger.
Som et godt arbejdsområde skal, integreres Notion med en lang række populære produktivitetsværktøjer, så du nemt kan dele information på tværs af de platforme, du bruger. Disse værktøjer inkluderer Slack, GitHub, Zoom, Trello, Google Drive og mere.
For eksempel kan du bruge Google Drev-integrationen til hurtigt at tilføje og dele filer fra dit Google Drev direkte til dit Notion-arbejdsområde.
Notion AI er en relativt ny funktion til arbejdsområder. Det er en tilsluttet assistent drevet af GPT-3, der er udviklet til at hjælpe med at booste din kreativitet og skrive indhold hurtigere. I bund og grund eliminerer det behovet for at hoppe mellem dit arbejde og et separat AI-drevet værktøj.
Funktionen kan hjælpe dig med at generere ideer til blogindlæg, indlæg på sociale medier, pressemeddelelser, jobbeskrivelser, mødedagsordener og mere. Du vil også være i stand til at opsummere stykker indhold, korrekt stavning og grammatik og oversætte tekst (engelsk, spansk, kinesisk og fransk).
Personer, der arbejder freelance, vil drage fordel af et organisatorisk værktøj som Notion. Det kan hjælpe med en række forskellige processer såsom:
Små professionelle teams kan drage fordel af Notions funktioner, fordi det sikrer, at alle teammedlemmer kan samarbejde om det samme værktøj til flere formål. Disse formål omfatter:
Studerende gør også stor brug af Notion på grund af dets imponerende notetagning og organisatoriske evner. Elever kan nemt organisere deres noter efter klasse og holde styr på al læsning og opgaver (inden for afleveringsdatoen) for hver klasse. Det bedste er, at Notion endda kan tillade lettere samarbejde for gruppeprojekter, da den gratis plan tillader deling med op til 10 gæster.
Begrebet skiller sig ud på to vigtige måder; den er meget tilpasselig til at understøtte enhver arbejdsgang, og den samler alt arbejde på én delt placering.
I modsætning til mange produktivitetsværktøjer fokuserer Notion ikke kun på at løse ét problem, såsom organisation. Den måde, Notion er designet på, giver brugerne frihed til at forme deres arbejdsplads på en måde, der fungerer bedst for dem. På den ene side kan enkeltpersoner bruge det til at opbevare deres noter, to-do-lister, kalendere og journaler på én tilgængelig platform. Derudover kan professionelle teams bruge det til at bygge samarbejdsdokumenter, produktkøreplaner og wikier for deres virksomhed.
Notion har fire prisplaner: Gratis, Plus, Business og Enterprise.
Desværre kommer ingen af planerne med Begrebet AI fordi det er en valgfri tilføjelse. Det koster $8/måned pr. medlem og faktureres årligt til $96. Hvis du hellere vil betale månedligt, vil det sætte dig tilbage $10/om måneden pr. medlem.
Begrebet skal roses for dets enkelthed, fortrolighed og pris. Hvis du har brug for en ligetil entry-level løsning til at skabe indhold og planlægge og styre projekter, så er Notion et godt valg.
Når det er sagt, kan store virksomheder, der har komplekse behov, ikke se platformen som omfattende nok til at strømline deres projektstyring. Notion er dog et værktøj, der bliver ved med at udvikle sig og arbejder hårdt på at forbedre dets muligheder, så det passer til virksomheder i alle størrelser.
Hvis du vil blive ved med at tjekke andre projektstyringssoftware som måske passer dig bedre, Findstack har flere nyttige anmeldelser og indsigter, som du kan tage et kig på. Vores mål er at hjælpe dig med at finde det rigtige værktøj til dine behov.
The database feature of Notion is amazing. The categorization options have a wide variety and it allows you to sort entries based on the different tags you enter. It is fairly user friendly and you can learn for more advanced features as you use it.
I wish the database feature had some similar abilities like excel, where specifc entries can be selected to perform mathematical functions on. Also the fact that there is no end to end encryption and no offline mode is another major downside that I hope they address in the future.
Inventory management to track items and spending. Also as a knowledge base for notes, meeting minutes, etc. Also as a task tracker.
Notion bring ease of team integration, providing a large workspace for teamwork.This bring good collaboration among members increasing productivity and profits,easing record recovery.
Notion is amazing,nothing to dislike in it since project management and organisations has been centralised.
Large collection of information allows organisations strategize on its ambitions centralising data structuring them in a way they will brainstorm others.
Easy to add data and easy to keep update
Not as such, such a easy to use tool, Loved it.
Notion helps me to keep my data updated and keep me remind about my projects.
Notion itself is a revolutionary software, including a lot of features for any human who is a student or working or just exploring the application. I have used notion for quiet some years for work reaosns and it has been my teams go-to software to document and to create our roadmap.
Nothing, we love all the feature of the application.
Notion is one desk solution for the team brain storimg hour, from collecting ideas to maintaining it as a journal, to documenting meetings to desgining a very formal looking newsletters. we have done it all with notion.
It's very customizable and user-friendly. If you have an idea to create a dashboard or have a checklist, the notion will have a template exactly for it or something related.
Nothing much, I live Notion. There are no specific things I don't like about it.
I am mainly using it to manage tasks for a client on Notion. Its very easy and collaborative.
Easy to use. Lots of features. A daily task tool.
The UI?UX can be better and more interactive.
Daily task done easy. Helps solve challenges and complex workflows by providing an excellent platform for seamless organization.
Its a great tool to take notes capture thoughts and manage various projects
It must be more easier to use like microsoft
It is helping me keep track of the notes as I am a sales person it helps me in keep tracking of the leads
Notion is the best platform in the market for a variety of uses, from organizing yourself and your life goals to managing company tasks, documents and processes. But since the Notion AI feature was implemented, I use every day. Especially for translation, it is much more accurate than many other tools. Working on marketing, it has really helped me design new content for our clients.
There's not much I dislike about the tool. I believe the only people who do not like Notion are those who do not know how to use it, which may be the primary path for improvement. Even though many youtube videos and templates teach you to make the most of its use, it would be nice to have more tutorials and tips built in the platform.
Having an all-in-one tool that allows me to organize all my tasks and creations while also having the support of AI technology to further creativity and insights.
Easy to use. Can create multiple pages, docs and sheet. Friends and Colluge can collaborate on it at a time.
There is nothing at the moment that I dislike about Notion.
Keep all the information and notes in one place and can make it easy to use. Other users can collaborate with you on the project and you can many type of space for your team. And keep track of their work. You can even make Sales CRM.
When you use Notion for the first time, it seems really complicated. But once you use the system more frequently, it's by far the most versatile note-taking/sharing app out there. The operation is incredibly intuitive and, after a "read-in time", incredibly self-explanatory. In addition, I find it super that Notion runs on Windows & Mac and on mobiles with apps. There is a large community around Notion which is also great. You can also use the free version to do a lot of things
There is nothing to complain about. A small design "bug" happened to me from time to time I created a new page and then selected a database, and then I could no longer return to the simple page type. This meant I had to create a new page and delete the old one.
Taking notes from the web, copying links with the Notion link grabber, structuring and organising projects (private and business), Building knowledge management systems in projects. The most beneficial point is that it´s so flexible and available on many devices.
The thing I like the most about Notion is its ability to use things like tables, spreadsheets, and embedded documents in its note/document. Before Notion, I would need to rely on pasting in links from sources like Google Spreadsheet or direct to another document. With Notion, I can easily access all these within a Notion Doc, and the best thing of them all? They load almost instantaneously.
I explored using it as the go-to knowledge center for my current team, but the pricing is on the steeper end. I am still evaluating the app when it comes to this regard.
The ability to use multiple types of note-taking in Notion saves me a lot of time. Instead of jumping between multiple applications, I can now access most of the things I need in Notion.
Notion all in none productivity that we can use for variety of purposes like Project Management Team Management Invoice Management Customer Portaal CRM Database and much more It provide integration almost with every tool. It is quite hard to use but with little effort anyone can learn how to use to use Notion. Using Notion AI you can write any text in matter of minutes.
It is little hard to learn in starting. So beginners will give up on this tool. But if anyone gives little effort in learning they found the notion a goldmine.
As a digital agency we use Notion for a variety for purposes like Team Management Project Managemet Client Portal Content Planner Lead CRM Documentation writing Report writing
Notion is a software that can be just about anything you need it to be. It gives you the canvas and tools to build whatever pages, databases, wikis, or boards you need to organize your life or business. And if you're not a do-it-yourselfer, there are hundreds of pre-built templates from fellow Notion users. If you're looking for a dedicated CRM, project management, or goal tracker tool, you'll find other dedicated products with more robust features, but if you want to consolidate all of these services and more into a single, affordable, software, you won't find anything better than Notion. I use Notion every single day for everything from household finances and home projects to client and project tracking for my freelance business.
Notion's feature set currently lacks in a few areas: (although each of these are listed as upcoming features by the Notion team) - Workflow automation options are limited, with only a few triggers/actions to choose from. The public API is nice, and there are a lot of out-of-the-box integrations offered, but Webhooks and more automation options would go a long way. - Database permissions are limited in that it's impossible to grant different users/groups permissions to different subsets of the data in a database. This is especially frustrating if you want a common database driving task/project management across your entire organization but don't want all tasks visible to everyone. - Database templates that are built or updated after some of the database is populated can not be automatically applied to all existing database entries. This makes for a tedious process if you want all entrys in the database to have a common look/feel.
I use Notion to manage my novel writing, household finances, home projects, freelance business, and as a host for my webpage. I've never encounted software with this level of flexibility before.
Easy to use and you can do almost anything with the best community on Twitter. I learnt a lot and been using it for more than a year
Only if they could add email and we can email someone directly from this platform like a CRM that would be amazing.
Segregating all the information of a project at one place and can have multiple people be a part of it and collaborate with me on a project.
The standout feature of Notion is its incredible versatility. It's a chameleon in the world of productivity apps, transforming from a simple note-taking platform to a comprehensive project management tool. There's no area of my life that doesn't have a Notion aspect to it right now. From work project management to travel planning, note taking or cooking, there's a template or a Notion page for everything. The UI is clean and intuitive, and makes navigating through different functionalities a breeze. Templates offer a starting point for almost any project you can imagine. Furthermore, the collaborative features in Notion are a game-changer. Being able to share pages and work simultaneously with colleagues or friends enhances productivity and brings a seamless experience to project coordination.
One of the main issues I've encountered is the learning curve, particularly the new formula language. It might take some time to fully grasp how to utilise all of Notion's functionality effectively. Additionally, while its mobile app provides the convenience of accessing your workspace on the go, it sometimes lacks the fluidity and responsiveness of its desktop counterpart. Performance can be sluggish, particularly when handling larger pages or complex databases. Lastly, I find the offline functionality limited, which can be a significant drawback for those who often work without a stable internet connection.
One of the primary problems Notion solves for me is information fragmentation. In a world where data is scattered across various apps and platforms, Notion serves as a centralized hub for all my needs – be it note-taking, project management, or content creation. This consolidation drastically reduces the time and effort spent in switching between different tools, thereby enhancing overall efficiency. The AI functionality in Notion is a game-changer, especially in terms of content creation and organisation. It assists in generating ideas, creating outlines, and even suggesting refinements to written content. This AI assistance is not just about saving time, it's about enhancing the quality of the output. For someone who regularly engages in content creation, this feature has been invaluable.
It is beautifully designed, making it pleasant to use. It is easily configurable to suit your needs. And when well configured, there is no better tool for collaboration and institutional memory.
Notion has a steep learning curve. To get the most out of Notion requires intentional upskilling and learning.
The AI Writing Assistant is the first time that I've added generative AI to my everyday workflow. It is an incredible copilot for summarizing and copy editing. It increases the value of the first draft by helping you make quick revisions.
Notion is a platform that helps me alleviate stress from work, mainly because I use it as a student. Notion helps me automate tasks and research, and create better and more complete assignments, getting excellence in most of them. It also allows me to create self-discipline and many other things. The only upside I think about is that when writing about medicine, it can sometimes confuse itself on "harmful content".
I need an active internet connection for it to work and get the most out of it, but I understand that using AI offline is a very complex process, so I understand if I can't perform these tasks.
Notion allows me to have a more comprehensive approach to diagnosing patients, giving me the opportunity to research topics of medicine in greater depth. It also provides me with a great format for searching through reference materials, making it easier to find the information I need. With Notion, I can have access to a wide range of resources that will help me make accurate and informed decisions. Additionally, I can keep track of my progress, allowing me to monitor my progress and make sure I'm on the right track. With all of these features, Notion helps me stay up to date with the latest developments in medicine, giving me the knowledge and expertise to provide the best care to my patients.
i love that we can use other people temples and for basically anything
it's a bit pricey that's about the only thing
Notion is solving the problem with paper waste for me, instead of buying planner after planner i can archive my old information and start fresh!!
We have the knowledge of where we can get the specific airline details and what will be paid can be used
The only problem is that there was an error, and I cannot log in or cannot access the notion page
We can gather all the details of the specific airline, and we have a process to follow for each airline that need to resolve
Versatile and Customizable Workspace - NotionAI offers a highly customizable workspace that adapts to the unique needs of users. Its modular structure allows for the creation of databases, notes, to-do lists, calendars, and more, making it suitable for various purposes, from project management to personal note-taking. Intelligent Content Suggestions - One of NotionAI's standout features is its AI-powered content suggestions. It analyzes your notes and suggests related content, helping you discover connections and ideas you might have missed otherwise. This feature significantly enhances creativity and productivity. Collaboration and Sharing - NotionAI excels in facilitating collaboration among teams. It allows real-time co-editing, commenting, and task assignment, making it an ideal tool for remote and distributed teams. The ability to share specific pages or databases with external collaborators is a significant advantage. Cross-Platform Accessibility - NotionAI is available on various platforms, including web, desktop, and mobile applications. This ensures that users can access and update their information seamlessly, regardless of the device they're using. Robust Integration Ecosystem - NotionAI supports numerous integrations with third-party apps and services, enhancing its functionality and extending its use cases. This flexibility makes it adaptable to various workflows and preferences.
Learning Curve- While NotionAI's versatility is a strength, it can also be a drawback for new users. The learning curve can be steep, and some users may find it challenging to harness the full potential of the tool without comprehensive tutorials or guidance. Pricing - NotionAI offers a free plan with limited features, but the pricing for premium plans may be prohibitive for some users, particularly for small teams or individuals. A more flexible pricing structure or additional features in lower-tier plans could address this concern. Offline Functionality - NotionAI's dependence on an internet connection can be a limitation, especially for users who need to access their data offline. Improved offline functionality would be beneficial for users in such scenarios.Search and Organization - While NotionAI has search capabilities, some users have reported that it can be challenging to find specific information within a large workspace. Enhancements to the search functionality and organization features would be welcomed.
Improve Search and Organization - While NotionAI has search capabilities, it can be challenging to find specific information within a large workspace. Enhancements to the search functionality and organization features would be welcomed.