Pipedrive er en webbaseret salgs-CRM-platform, der giver brugerne fuld synlighed over alle aktive salgspipelines. Det er bedst kendt for sin interaktive brugergrænseflade, der viser detaljerede fremskridtsstadier for hver handel, sammen med nøgledetaljer og handlinger. Platformen blev specifikt bygget ved hjælp af aktivitetsbaseret salgsmetode. Dens postsystem integreres også problemfrit med store e-mail-udbydere.
Pipedrive bruges også ofte som CRM valg i venturekapital og Salg tech stakke.
Capabilities |
Segment |
Brugervenlighed |
Deployment | Cloud / SaaS / Web-baseret, mobil Android, mobil iPad, mobil iPhone |
Support | 24/7 (liverepræsentant), chat, e-mail/helpdesk, ofte stillede spørgsmål/forum, vidensbase, telefonisk support |
Kurser | Dokumentation, personligt, live online, videoer, webinarer |
Sprog | Hollandsk, engelsk, fransk, tysk, italiensk, polsk, portugisisk, spansk, tyrkisk |
Sælgere skal være i stand til at jonglere med en masse information – især på højhastighedshold, hvor de har at gøre med 400+ kundeemner om måneden. Hvordan klarer de sig?
Ved at bruge et pålideligt salgs-CRM til at hjælpe dem med at styre arbejdet bedre.
En af de mere populære CRM-muligheder derude er Pipedrive— men lever det op til hypen? Heri Findstack gennemgang, vi tager et dybt dyk for at besvare netop det spørgsmål.
Pipedrive beskriver sig selv som "det første CRM designet af sælgere, for sælgere".
Selvom det nok ikke er den første, er resten sandt - det er en CRM specielt designet til at passe til et salgsteams unikke behov og processer. Softwaren er designet til at hjælpe teams med bedre at administrere deres salgspipelines, hvilket gør det nemmere at spore kundeemner og muligheder, administrere kunder og automatisere travlt arbejde – alt sammen på ét sted.
Kom i gang med Pipedrive er en super nem proces. Før du dykker ned i værktøjets faktiske funktioner, er der kun tre ting, du skal gøre:
Når du har gennemført disse tre trin, er det tid til at begynde at udforske platformen.
Rørledninger og aftaler er Pipedrive's (og hver andre salgs-CRM'er) brød og smør. De er visuelle repræsentationer af din salgsproces, herunder stadier, aftaleflow og status for dine nuværende aftaler.
In Pipedrive, rørledninger kan tilpasses fuldstændigt. Du kan nemt tilføje nye faser til pipelinen og justere rækkefølgen af faser ved at trække og slippe - bare klik på "Rediger pipeline" i øverste højre hjørne.
Du kan også nemt tilføje nye tilbud og se eksisterende fra pipelinevisningen. Muligheden for at gennemgå hver aftales detaljer er særlig nyttig og tilgængelig blot ved at klikke på den i pipelinen. Dette omfatter:
Du har også mulighed for at definere tilpassede felter for dine aftaler. Disse kan enten markeres valgfri or påkrævet– perfekt til at hjælpe dit salgsteam med at prioritere vigtige oplysninger i deres samtaler. Fanen "Aftaler" er også hvor dit team vil skrive noter, planlægge salgsaktiviteter og spore tilgængelighed.
Pipedrive's kommunikationssporingsfunktioner er fantastiske.
For det første er det underliggende organisationssystem super intuitivt - kontakter organiseres ved at opdele dem i "mennesker" og "organisationer". Du kan derefter linke disse til de tilbud, de er knyttet til, og nemt tjekke din historik over opkald, e-mails og aktiviteter med enhver af dine kontakter eller aftaler.
Pipedrives e-mail-indbakke er salgsfokuseret og også super intuitiv. Det har et væld af funktioner, der fremskynder processen med at administrere og sende e-mails, herunder:
Der er også Scheduler – en funktion, der hjælper dig med at oprette møder uden irriterende frem og tilbage ved at dele din tilgængelighed og lade inviterede booke tider, der fungerer for dem. Du kan også automatisk konfigurere videoopkald til planlagte tidsintervaller på Zoom, Microsoft Teams og Google Meet.
Sidst, men (afgjort) ikke mindst, Pipedrive integreres med et væld af fantastisk telefonværktøjer, så du kan foretage opkald fra platformen. Dette gør det nemt at spore din aktivitet, registrere data og endda automatisere visse opkaldsrelaterede processer – men mere om automatisering på et øjeblik.
En af Pipedrive's vigtigste salgsargumenter er dens automatiseringsfunktioner. Der er en del at pakke ud her, men der er to hovedtyper:
Salgsautomatiseringer er funktioner designet til at hjælpe dig med at optimere din virksomheds salgsproces. Tag for eksempel salgsassistent - dette automatiseringsværktøj opretter tilpassede adfærdsbaserede kort med præstationstip, meddelelser og fremskridtsopdateringer for hvert teammedlem på din liste. Det giver også besked til alle, der er berørt af ændringer i indstillinger og aftaler, så ingen undrer sig over, hvor deres seneste tilbud er blevet af.
Smart Contact Data er et andet salgsautomatiseringsværktøj, der henter data fra kilder som LinkedIn, Google og Twitter for at hjælpe dig med at få en bedre forståelse af dine kontakter.
På workflow-siden, Pipedrive's automatiseringer lader dig oprette brugerdefinerede handlinger og processer, der udløses automatisk, når en bestemt handling udføres (f.eks. når en aftale ændrer pipelinestadie). Disse er gode til at skære ned på administrationsarbejdet og frigøre dit team til at fokusere på større og bedre ting (såsom faktisk at lukke aftaler).
Endelig er det tid til at tale om Pipedrive's rapporteringsfunktioner.
Starter med det grundlæggende, Pipedrive's salgsrapporter kan tilpasses fuldstændigt. Du kan spore de datapunkter, du har brug for, og skære dem ud, du ikke er interesseret i. Derudover er der et par forudbyggede rapporter, du kan bruge, herunder:
Pipedrive's Insights-dashboard er også fantastisk - du kan omdanne alle dine data og metrics til smukke, interaktive diagrammer og grafer, der er nemme at læse (og dele).
Hvis du vil sætte mål for dit hold, Pipedrive har du også dækket der. Du kan oprette mål baseret på aftaler eller aktiviteter og specificere dem ved at tilføje nøgledetaljer såsom tildelte, typer, pipelines, varigheder og intervaller.
Åh, og hvis du leder efter endnu mere tilpasning, Pipedrive har en åben API. Det betyder, at du frit kan bygge tilpassede integrationer, der opfylder selv de mest specifikke rapporteringskrav.
Pipedrive er en af nogle få udvalgte CRM'er, der virkelig føles som om det sparer dig tid. Dens automatiseringsfunktioner og intuitive grænseflade gør det nemmere at administrere kontakter, aftaler, e-mails, opkald og aktiviteter – alt sammen uden at skulle indtaste hvert enkelt stykke data manuelt.
Det hjælper altid at se information præsenteret visuelt - og det er tilfældigvis et område, hvor Pipedrive udmærker sig. Fra den visuelle pipeline til Insights-dashboardet og interaktive rapporter, Pipedrive er spækket med funktioner, der gør det nemmere at fortolke dine data.
Pipedrive's markedsplads er massiv. I skrivende stund er der mere end 300 integrationer tilgængelige. Derudover spænder de listede værktøjer fra videoopkaldsplatforme til leadgenereringsværktøjer, så du er sikker på at finde noget, der passer til dine behov.
Pipedrive har fire betalte planer, som du kan vælge imellem.
Stadig på hegnet? Bare rolig – alle fire planer kommer med en 14-dages gratis prøveperiode. Intet kreditkort påkrævet.
Det er dog ikke alle gode nyheder. Ud over planerne skal du også tænke over, hvilke tilføjelser du har brug for. En hel del fantastiske funktioner (f.eks. Scheduler) er betalingsmuret bag dyre tilføjelser, der ikke følger med basisplanerne.
Meget tilpasselige pipelines og felter Meget visuelle dashboards Massivt udvalg af integrationer Brugervenlig automationsbygger Omfattende rapporteringsfunktioner Overkommelige betalte planer 14-dages gratis prøveperiode (intet kreditkort kræves) |
Ingen gratis plan for lette brugere Automatiseringer er ikke tilgængelige på Essentials fly Tillægssystemet øger omkostningerne dramatisk Intet billetsystem og plettet kundesupport |
Pipedrive er en af de bedste salgs-CRM'er af en grund—a få årsager, faktisk. Den indeholder en masse funktioner designet med salgsteam i tankerne, og de fleste funktioner udføres godt.
De eneste reelle ulemper er resultatet af virksomheden bag produktet, ikke selve produktet. Hvis du kan overse dem, får du en fantastisk oplevelse.
Alt i alt, Pipedrive's værd at overveje, hvis du er på udkig efter et CRM - men det er ikke engang tæt på den eneste mulighed.
Hvis du ikke har fundet det CRM, du leder efter, Findstack kan hjælpe. Vi har samlet en liste over de bedste CRM'er (komplet med anmeldelser og sammenligninger), alt sammen på ét sted. Begynd at søge efter dit nye CRM dag!
Ease of use. It's very intuitive. Uploading contacts is quite easy. I love the email intergration that links your prospect/customer emails directly to their account profile.
I would like to add multiple labes to prospects & accounts. I would like to add color fonts so that certain important prospect/client details stand out quickly.
Keeps me organized so that I am maximizing revenue.
Its user-friendly interface has facilitated the development of goal-based marketing automation. It helps me a lot in maintaining fruitful partnerships and exceptional lead follow-up. The fact that Pipedrive can increase revenue through sales management is, in my opinion, its best feature. As for Pipedrive, I couldn't be happier with it. Among its many features is the ability to screen and monitor customers.
Technical support is the only aspect that could be improved. Sometimes, questions go unanswered.
With Pipedrive, we do sales planning with a focus on management and quality across the board. Advertising automation and intrusive marketing through social media and email have generated a lot of sales for us. Development and marketing teams find it quite easy. If you're looking to manage leads and automate your entire sales process in one place, Pipedrive is perfect.
All the info integrated, the visual aspect, the dashboard, how easy is to use, and all the integrations that save us so much time!
I do not remember of anything that I disliked, nevertheless, there are features that could be improved
Pipeline management, deal management and client management.
We will be able to track KPIs from a sales side and know where things are with our projects. Integrations for the most part.
Being able to track KPIs for projects. And some of the packages are one size fits all. It should be a little more alacarte if you will. More so than it is now. Other that no big dislikes.
Sales tracking and operations pipeline tracking
You can easily track your deals in the CRM.
Task reminder system, import data system.
Deals tracking and filtering contacts by different keywords
Probably the thing I lik emost about pipedrive is that it is intuitive. I don't have to read through hours of training, etc., to understand what things are and how they work. It works as you'd expect it to. I'm brand new and I know there are things I'm not taking advantage of yet but overall, it's a great piece of software so far.
Haven't found anything yet that I would call a negative.
Tracking leads from the time the come in to their completion and encouraging following a systematic approach to closing business.
I like the self-service product that Pipedrive is
There is a lot of manual task that you have to do if you are not in a upper plan
Centralize customers data
ease of use: I was implementing the Pipedrive system for a client, and it was very easy.
Some functionality is only available in tiers that are not actually suitable for you
loss of deals, better and clearer tracking of deals and leads
Pipedrive CRM is an excellent tool for managing sales processes and keeping track of customer interactions. With its intuitive interface and robust features, Pipedrive makes it easy to stay organized and efficient when dealing with a large volume of leads and deals.
One common complaint is that the reporting and analytics features could be more robust, and the mobile app could be improved with more features and better functionality. Additionally, while Pipedrive offers a range of integrations with other tools, the difficulty to set up integrations or find the specific integration I need.
Pipedrive CRM is designed to help businesses solve various sales-related problems and challenges. Some of the key issues that Pipedrive can help address include the following: 1. Lack of organization: Pipedrive provides a centralized platform for managing sales activities, helping businesses stay organized, and ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. 2. Inefficient sales processes: Pipedrive is designed to streamline the sales process, making moving deals through the pipeline easier and faster. 3. Poor communication: Pipedrive's email integration helps ensure all communication with customers is logged in one place, making it easy to reference past conversations and ensure nothing is overlooked. 4. Difficulty tracking performance: Pipedrive's reporting and analytics features provide valuable insights into sales performance, helping businesses identify areas for improvement and optimize their sales processes
I like that all of my prospect are in the correct time timeline and help to get best follow up
anything, I would say that everthng is perfect
whe I add new client is easy and friendly, I can share my work with my teammembers
We have been using Pipedrive as our CRM for only a couple of months now and we are all loving it. It was easy to implement and it's easy to use. Pipedrive is intuitive and doesn't have dozens of screens you don't need like other bloated CRMs. We are trying out new features and apps weekly and so far it has been a time saver and is allowing us to do a better job of managing our contacts and sales funnels. Each time I have had a question customer service has been fantastic.
Nothing yet! We've had some questions as we set things up but nothing that I dislike at all.
Managing and track both our teams, their contacts, sales funnel and our clients as a whole.
Visual Sales Pipeline: Pipedrive provides a visual representation of the sales pipeline that allows users to easily see the status of each deal and prioritize their sales efforts accordingly. Customizable Sales Process: The software allows users to customize their sales process to match their specific business needs and sales workflow. Sales Reporting: Pipedrive provides detailed sales reports and analytics that allow users to gain insights into their sales performance and identify areas for improvement. Integration: Pipedrive integrates with a wide range of third-party tools and applications, including email clients, calendars, and marketing automation software. Mobile App: The Pipedrive mobile app allows users to access their sales pipeline and manage their deals on the go, making it easier to stay on top of their sales efforts.
Steep Learning Curve: Users may find the software complex and difficult to learn, especially if they are not familiar with sales management software. Limited Customization: While Pipedrive offers some customization options, users may find that they are limited in terms of branding and design.
Lack of visibility: Pipedrive provides a visual representation of the sales pipeline, allowing users to easily see the status of each deal and prioritize their sales efforts accordingly. Inefficient sales processes: Pipedrive allows users to customize their sales process to match their specific business needs and sales workflow, making it easier to streamline and automate tasks. Poor communication: Pipedrive's integration with third-party tools and applications, including email clients and calendars, can help improve communication and collaboration among sales teams. Ineffective reporting: Pipedrive's detailed sales reports and analytics can help users gain insights into their sales performance and identify areas for improvement.
Having the information available, in a history format (notes, emails, calls, etc.). I don't need to remember stuff, when somebody calls, I can go to Pipedrive and see in seconds where that deal is at, the latest interactions. Setting up reminders & followups, reserving time directly on my calendar. Seeing what other team members are doing, reports on the operation.
Automatic minimization of itens/Notes/pics in the history of a deal.
Management of contacts, all information is kept in Pipedrive. Pipeline of deals, all data related to specific deals is kept in the same platform, in an easy to access and easy to share between teammembers or when somebody leaves the team. Scehduling activities and not leaving contacts unanswered.
how clear and easy it is to use, easy to add new functions
nothing, it is very simple and quick to use
Keeping all the date which is easily shared between all the team members
Everything in one place about customers, organisations and timeline of what has been happening with the account. Everything is time stamped so easy to check back on what has been done when. Rollout to the team was quick and easy, with good customer support and really easy to integrate with current systems. We use this every day across the team, for all our quotes and follow ups every week. There's lots of features to integrate with systems we already use, and the potential for customisation is huge.
Personally, there needs to be some more variation in the animations when a deal is won! Other than that, it's a great system.
We use Pipedrive to organise our quotes and pipeline - some things that make it great is easy to track and schedule follow ups, easy to see overall pipeline value and each stage value, and the different stages make it easy to see what is going to be an order soon.
The ability to keep all our sales processes in one place, with live updates for our field sales team
The products section needs some work, The lower subscription levels lack some fundamental functions and can be out of reach for smaller businesses and teams.
Pipedrive has reduced the need for a considerable amount of spreadsheets we used to use, and significantly improved performance reviewing
Simple to use - makes my life so much easier - especially monitoring follow up's
Being able to see all your accounts that you are assigned in one place
creating deals and montoring accounts
Simple to use, fast speeds in the browser and the mobile app is just as good.
Would be nice to be able to choose the features you want only (ie. create your own 'bundle' without having to upgrade to the most expensive package. This is an issue with most CRMs in my view.
Keeping us in top of Leads and conversion rates, making our sales process manageable and keeping the team focussed/on track.
Our company has sales reps all across the US and we can use one system but have data organized based on each property location. Insight is a wonderful tool to see tons of different trends and metrics.
Not as much customization as we'd like to have. There are certain features that would make Pipedrive even more beneficial if we could limit it to certain users or pipelines.
Sales tracking, goal tracking, data management, document & contract generation.
Support was excellent throught the integration, contact data upload and management, it also have lots of documentation to help understand its workflow. Sotware is easy to use, offer automation, forcasting, intigrations and scalling capabilities. Overall a great tool.
I am bit learner for now so I am not sure I am commenting it right, but the custom feilds didn't worked as per my expectation. The data flow and its intigration to analytics is bit tricky.
Pipedrive is my contact box and one stop app for email outreach and further management.