Skylum Luminar Neo baggrundssløring
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Skylum Luminar Neo
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Skylum Luminar Neo Anmeldelser og produktdetaljer

Skylum Luminar Neo Oversigt
Hvad er Skylum Luminar Neo?

Skylum Liminar kombinerer traditionelle fotoredigeringsværktøjer med AI-forbedringer. Skylum Luminar-fotoredigeringssoftwaren giver brugerne adgang til AI-forbedringer for at hjælpe dem med ting som atmosfærisk balance, struktur, ansigtssymmetri, hudforbedringer og meget mere. Skabeloner er også tilgængelige for at hjælpe med at give liv til billeder og tilbyde omfattende funktioner, der omfatter beskærings-, justerings- og retoucheringsværktøjer, baggrunds- og filterindstillinger og billedlagsforbedringer. Det er en fremragende mulighed for begyndere og er tilgængelig uden abonnementsomkostninger

Om os Skylum
År grundlagt 2009
Firma størrelse 51-200 medarbejdere
Hovedkontor Bellevue, Washington, USA
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$ 29.00 / måned
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Stil spørgsmål om Skylum Luminar Neo
Hvad er Skylum Luminar Neo bedst til?
Hvordan er Skylum Luminar Neo sammenlignet med Adobe Photoshop Elementer?
Hvad er fordele og ulemper ved Skylum Luminar Neo?
Skylum Luminar Neo Produktdetaljer
Lille virksomhed
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-baseret, Desktop Mac, Desktop Windows
Kurser Dokumentation
Other languages Engelsk
Skylum Luminar Neo fordele og ulemper
  • Uendelige AI-forbedringer for nemmere redigering
  • Fremragende brugervenlighed for begyndere
  • Ingen abonnementsomkostninger at bekymre sig om
  • Vifte af baggrunds- og filterindstillinger
  • Eksklusive filtre og billedlagsforbedringer
  • Kloningsværktøj kan være problematisk
  • Ikke det bedste til organisation
Skylum Luminar Neo funktioner
Automatiske justeringer
Fjernelse af baggrund
Brugerdefinerede børster
Face Recognition
Filtre og effekter
Gradient editor
HDR billedbehandling
Helbredende værktøjer
Ændring af billede
Layer Management
Metadata redigering
Perspektiv korrektion
Fjernelse af røde øjne
Understøttelse af RAW-filer
Undo / Redo
Vektor Drawing
Skylum Luminar Neo Media
Vores forskning er kurateret fra forskellige autoritative kilder og beregnet til at give generel rådgivning. Vi garanterer ikke, at vores forslag vil fungere bedst for hver brugssituation, så overvej dine unikke behov, når du vælger produkter og tjenester. Del gerne din tilbagemeldinger.
Seneste opdatering: Januar 25, 2025
Skylum Luminar Neo-logo
80 Skylum Luminar Neo Anmeldelser
4.3 ud af 5
Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Maj 19, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
Sam B.
"Kundeservice i topklasse"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Lifetime license - you only need to purchase this once and for a relatively low price. Extremely responsive customer service - they answered my emails within the hour.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Aurora HDR is an additional cost, and installation was a little tricky. Thankfully, tech support was able to assist me with my issue pretty quickly.

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Imagination. I love the options within this product - it has made me think of entirely new ways to process photos. The creativity is endless.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Maj 18, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
justin c. avatar
Justin C.
El- og instrumentplanlægger
"Min Luminar Experience"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

It’s very easy to use a simple interface and it starts quickly on your machine

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

I don’t have much downsides. It’s beautiful for what it’s designed for.

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It’s has sped up my workflow greatly and made my landscape editing quite smooth

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Maj 08, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
David C.
"Simpelthen imponeret! Timerbesparelse 100 %"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

The interface is very accessible and intuitive. I really enjoy the possibilities given for exporting my pictures as well as the filter selection. It does compared and surpass at times the resulting quality I would achieve with oter similar apps.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Not necessarily bad but I would improve the way of selecting the filters

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Above all for me is a solution for large batch pics editing

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
April 29, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
David G. avatar
David G.
Client Executive Acquisitions
"Luminar til flotte billeder"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

The learning curve isn't as big for this software vs. others on the market.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Honestly, I don't know of anything that I don't like as of yet.

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I am able to edit photos faster which in turn saves me time.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Oktober 09, 2020
Samlet bedømmelse:
Jeg og.
"Bedste sky-erstatningssoftware, jeg nogensinde har brugt!"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

The Sky replacement is flawless. I've never used a software that worked as perfectly as this software. It recognizes where the sky is supposed to be and replaces it. It doesn't matter if the sky has tree branches or things in the way, it puts the sky in with ease. The photo editing options are pretty awesome as well. It brightens up foliage and makes the photo's look better. Better yet, they let you use it for free for 7 days.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

I honestly haven't found anything I dislike so far. The program works as it should and did what I needed.

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Replacing the sky is a breeze with this software. Normally it would take hours in photoshop, this software makes it so easy. You can choose between loads of options. All the options work seamlessly without lag. I am running a brand new 2019 macbook pro spec'd out, so that may be why it works so well. Either way, I highly recommend this software!

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
November 25, 2019
Samlet bedømmelse:
Julia O. avatar
Julia O.
"Bliver ved med at blive bedre og bedre"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Luminar continues adding features that expand usability of the app. They have made it very easy to now do single image edits rather than setting up albums or folders, so the program is much less cumbersome than previously, while retaining the ability to save custom preset combinations for future use. The before/after slider is also useful. What I especially appreciate are the levels of enhancement in the panel options - essentials covers most everyday edits, but additional levels (creative, portrait, and pro) provide additional editing features.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Since my last review, Luminar have modified their panels and gone back to

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

I do a significant amount of photo editing both for my small business and for personal use. Luminar makes my workflow so much easier.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Februar 05, 2024
Samlet bedømmelse:
Waron S. avatar
Waron S.
Vicepræsident for forretningsudvikling
"Meget hurtig support"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Simple and easy to use software. It may not be able to do everything, compare to photoshop, but good enough for most work. Fast support.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Removal tool AI could be better. It can recognize things in the picture, why not let user select things to remove

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Luminar Neo allow me to adjust simple things very fast without having to do all the tedious selection process manually.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Oktober 18, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Fyr A.
"Hurtig hjælp fra Skylum med Luminar Neo-problem."
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

After I contacted Luminar they analysed the problem and helped me to solve it.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

After my problem is solved, I'm happy. It's a product that is constantly improved. This involves hickups. But these are unavoidable in my opinion!

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Luminar Neo helps me to automaticaly improve my photos. I use it in my workflow: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom > Topaz Photo AI > Luminar Neo. I make series of photos for my customers, this workflow allows me to quickly edit series of 150-250 photos. I can do the last two steps unattended, Which makes my time more efficient.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Maj 23, 2023
Samlet bedømmelse:
Stephen W.
"Luminar Neo er min AI-assistent"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

I loved the sky replaced ment feature and the many presets that provide a great starting point for my manual photo dits.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Neo can be a little slow at times so is best with a powerful PC>

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

The images taken with my camera do not always look great. Luminar Neo can make a good photograph excellent. It's AI features can transform an ordinary phot into art.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
November 07, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Vishnu T. avatar
Vishnu T.
Ingeniør netværksstyring
"Perfekt redigering"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Luminar is excellent photo editing software. Luminar can be integrated with other softwares giving user a great experience and overall improvement in performance.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Nothing to dislike about the software as it is growing day by day with improved features

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Luminar helps to build the diagram, edit the existing photos as well as personal use of this software is amazing

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Oktober 18, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Ricardo S. avatar
Ricardo S.
"min præference i stedet for lightroom"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

- very stright foward work flow - Many options to change styles / presets - Artificial Intelicenge (smart) tools

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

- sometimes can be a little slow - interface could be better.

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

- quick photo editing - advanced colour change / exposure adjustments

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juli 06, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Sam P.
"Et klik fotoredigering - fremtiden er ankommet"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Luminar is easily my favourite photo editing software. Effects that are hard to get right in other photo editing software and even basic adjustments are made so easy with Luminar. Every effect/adjustment you could need to get the most of your photographs are all easily reached and in view instantly. I love the slider for each effect/adjustment so I can tweak everything until it is perfect. The sky replacement feature is next-level. Yes, other software can do it, but not with the same results I have achieved with Luminar. Luminar will always be my choice for ease of use & pure speed!

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

The one complaint I have with Luminar is the Sky Replacement feature could still use some work. While I believe it is still ahead of the competition overall, when working with complex scenes such as tree branches/leaves or a hazy horizon, the result leaves a lot to be desired. In these complex scenes, white halos are left around the leaves and branches where the software could not tell what was sky and what was not.

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Luminar makes it trivial to turn a good photo into a jaw-dropping photo. This means less time spent trying to make an effect look perfect as it is already done for me. With Luminar, I can get 10 photos looking perfect where I could previously only do about 3 with other software. The saying goes "Time is Money" and in this case, it couldn't be more true.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juli 04, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Usman M. avatar
Usman M.
Outlet Incharge
"Meget nemt alternativ til redigering af billeder"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

It's super easy to use, doesn't require any specific skill . Just few clicks to make your raw images looks cool.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Everything is fine, just the processing time for the effects can be improve a but faster.

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

It helps to make a last minute change in promotional base images for social media posts.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Maj 30, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Shivam K. avatar
Shivam K.
Wordpress Udvikler
"Det er en meget nem at bruge fotoredigeringssoftware."
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

its variety of options in editing like filters, templates, and all the different tools.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

sometimes it takes too much of loading time to apply one filter on a picture and then to display it.

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

it is very helpful in editing all the types if pictures in my gallery, i often use it to edit pictures to put on social media.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Mar 29, 2022
Samlet bedømmelse:
Komal M. avatar
Komal M.
Design Engineering Praktikant
"Kundeorienteret, nem at anvende kommandoer"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Easy to use various commands, time efficient design , can analyze designs properly, helpful to use as a prototype tool of a desired components or device

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Nothing in specific , require high speed of internet otherwise it gets started to lag behind or works this the only problem I have faced

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Designing various industrial components, their assemblies, also using as a prototype of desired component to analyze it for its application to improve product efficiency

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Oktober 17, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
Ernesto A. avatar
Ernesto A
"Et AI-baseret fotoredigeringsværktøj, der hjælper dig med at skabe fotos i professionel kvalitet!"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

I like that my amateur photos can be taken to a professional level by using the AI-based editing tools offered by this software.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

The loading times for Luminar can take long. If you are in a creative rush or tight deadline, this can be a negative factor.

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

With Luminar, I'm solving the problem of creating content that looks more professional and stands out from the crowd.

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
September 24, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
SHEHAB H. avatar
Shehab H.
Producer af digitale medier
"Den BEDSTE Ai-fotoredigeringssoftware "Hidtil"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Luminar is the most powerful "Artificial Intelligence" photo editing software "SO FAR" because... - It makes the photo editing processes done easier and faster + Getting amazing results - It includes massive Ai photo editing tools like "Sky Replacement" it’s a very smart - It includes very smart Ai photo editing tools for portrait pictures "for humans" - It includes a lot of amazing ready to use "Templates" which save time in the photo editing process - It provides 6 cool & important exporting formats "including export to photoshop"

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Luminar is an amazing Ai photo editing tool "that's right!" but there are some things I don't like about it... Like - It takes a big size of ram - The export process takes some time "It’s not very quick" - The exported "edited image" become bigger than the original "in size MB" and this is noticeable!

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Luminar saves me a lot of time and effort in removing the background from my clients' photos, Luminar can do that very quickly and accurately using the Sky Ai tool, I can use this tool to do a lot of edits on my clients' photos "not just changing the sky"... Also, Luminar helps me to edit the raw images of some products of my clients "it’s faster than photoshop" this is due to the artificial intelligence that exists in many tools in Luminar

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Juni 04, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
Gary S. avatar
Gary s
"Fremragende og unikke funktioner"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Not provided

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Not provided

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Not provided

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
Maj 18, 2021
Samlet bedømmelse:
Sandra K
Life Reinvention + Mental Fitness Coach
"Fantastisk supplement eller erstatning til Photoshop"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Luminar is easy to use. As a photography enthusiast, I don't necessarily want to spend a lot of my time learning how to edit photos. I do have Photoshop but at time I feel I can get the results I want quicker and easier when using Luminar. I have Luminar 4 and Luminar AI.

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

It can be clunky and slow and I still prefer the filing & saving system in Photoshop.

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Split toning, dodge & burn, background replacement is all just easier in Luminar

Small Business (50 eller færre ansatte)
August 26, 2020
Samlet bedømmelse:
Alex P.
Help Desk
"Fantastisk alternativ til Lightroom"
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

Quick presets for product and food photos, very intuitive auto-adjustments

Hvad kan du ikke lide ved Skylum Luminar Neo?

It's almost perfect for its purpose, I wish it had a dedicated feature for working with white background

Hvilke problemer løser Skylum Luminar Neo, og hvordan gavner det dig?

Luminar is great for quick editing needs for everyday marketing purposes. If photos are taken properly, quick adjustment presets allow you to reach almost high-end photo looks

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